
This is Sunday morning and at 7am Julietta, physical therapist, brought a nutritionist to see Dottie and schedule the correct foods to possibly help Dottie with her pain and diet.

My lesson today for the congregation was ¨The Lord is for us¨. He loves, accepts, chooses, forgives, adopts, calls as heirs and calls us His handiwork. If every Christian realized that we are His treasured possession they would be more satisfied as His child.

I have found that when God has selected you, it does not matter who else has rejected or neglected you. His favor outweighs all opposition. I must tell myself God will provide. He always does.

What a blessing! The number of people who have contacted me to say they are praying for Dottie has risen to 889. Sunday school classes, adult groups and churches are joining the fight.

Nutritionist, physical therapist, Dottie and Adela