Christmas activities
Heidi has done such a great job with her musical program. From singing to piano, saxophones, memorizing Bible verses and focal presentations she has blessed so many children.
Each dorm made their own manger scene, and the winning dorm will receive a gift. You can vote online which one you think is best. They were so creative. Just go to
Today we will have the staff Christmas dinner. It is always a highlight of the year. It is the only time all the staff will meet at one time.
The fifth point in having a Godly family is found in Ephesians 4:32 ¨Forgive one another¨. We begin by forgiving ourselves because all of us have done things to hurt members of our family. I really have trouble with my tongue. I speak without love too often with my family and that includes all the children and staff here at Casa. I found out that forgiveness is not a feeling but a commitment.
I went to our dentist for a cleaning. It was not fun. No cavities! When I was a teenager, a boy kicked me in a football game breaking most of my bottom teeth. The dentist wanted to pull them because of exposed roots. I told him no and he said that I would lose all those teeth. I am nearly 82 and have had 3 cavities in my entire life and none of those broken teeth have had to come out. I still have my teenage smile.
Speaking of smiles! Dottie never complains nor is she grumpy and sad although she is so ill. The perfect example of someone close to God and not moved by circumstances

Dottie with our granddaughter Aria.