The second point for us to have a Christian family is found in I Thessalonians 4:18 and that is to encourage one another. Over the years I have had so many instances where I was discouraged and Dottie as well as others encouraged me to continue.
Benjamin who was raised here and is a chef at a major hotel in Guatemala City came today to cook a meal for Dottie for her Christmas present.
Our boys Orlando, Bubba, Quique and Tony bought Dottie a heater for Christmas. It really made a difference for her last night as it still is so cold here.
Today was visitation by the parents so there was a lot of joy for those with visits and sadness for the children whose parents did not come.
Angel and Claudia came with their pastor and ministered and entertained the children who did not have a visitor. Claudia came here at age 2 years and is now 33. They own their own factory with over 20 employes. IsnĀ“t God wonderful?

The gift from the boys for Dottie(a heater)