Enjoyment and Kindness
Tuesday was a day of joy and fun with gifts, a turkey dinner followed by fireworks at midnight and then a traditional Guatemala meal at 1am. The dinner for everyone was wonderful with turkey, dressing, corn, green beans and dessert.
Dottie and I slept through the latter fireworks as best we could.
Some of the children stayed playing until after 2:23pm.
One of the older kids asked if I make New Year resolutions and so I thought about that in private. I want to be more kind. Kindness starts with getting my mind off myself and my problems and noticing what others are experiencing.
I believe that kindness means that no one ever comes to you without leaving better and happier. There is no act of kindness no matter how small that is wasted.Kindness is the way that we show love and compassion to those in need.
I have problems but the world is filled with others who have far more problems than me. There is so much sadness in the world that we who know the meaning of Christmas need to demonstrate His love, compassion and above all mercy.
Mercy means that I do not receive what I deserve. We deserve hell and separation from God but His blood has covered our sins and His gift to us is Sonship and eternity in heaven.
WE look like Christmas Past. IsnĀ“t she pretty for nearly 82 years of age. So sick but so positive.