Four older girls
The problem with a home for children is eventually the children grow up and go on with their their lives. The latest to leave is Shirley.
For the second day in a row we are losing one of our older girls. Shirley came here at age 7, graduated from college, taught in our school and is now 30 years old. She has a job on the other side of the city so she will not be able to live here. She is an awesome woman and we will miss her so much.
So we lost three young women in 4 days but they are ready for a great future especially in Christ. The girls are Erika, Candida and Shirley.
The dorms received 6 brand new bicycles each.
Quique took Dottie riding for 30 minutes in her wheelchair and the children loved seeing her.
Sunday, I preached on it being a sin not to pray based on I Samuel 12:23. I have so much to pray for beginning with more children and an increase in our finances. Today also was parent´s day so I get to preach to them also.
Shirley and Dottie. Sweet goodbyes after 23 years.