My Christmas Gifts

No one has received more than me for Christmas. I was awake all night just thinking of the blessings of God.

Estella, chairwoman of our board, was raised at Casa with her brothers Mario and Fernando who are house parents. That made me think of all the people who were either raised her or who have come to visit Casa and stayed to begin ministries.

I thought of Steve E. and John, Adam, Brennan, Tim, another Steve, Sheryl with retarded children, the couple who after visiting Casa for years began a ministry in Jordan (the middle east), Jose who has built over 100 churches, pastors’ homes and Sunday school buildings. So many churches and individuals in the USA paid for them.

There are professionals such as nurses like Candida, Tatiana and Celia, lawyers like Roxana, 6 physical therapists like Julietta, teachers like Shirley and Tony, medical physicians like Reyna and psychologists like Rosario, government social workers like Analy who came as little children and now are professionals.  

Benjamin is a chef in a major hotel.

Today another ministry is being born in a village called Poaquil. It will be a feeding program and Bible study time for the children in the village. So we continue to reach out and provide ministry to villages.

Many of our children raised here are pastors such as Pedro, business owners in the USA like Melvin, ministers or pastors such as Charlie and Pedro, music leaders such as Vanessa and Kersy.

There are current house parents at Casa here with every dorm having parents who were raised at Casa.

Thousands of the 6000 raised at Casa are faithful Sunday school teachers and church members of which there would be a list beyond my dreams.

Some like Claudia and Billy own their own businesses and even give offerings to Casa.

I do not want to offend anyone and make them feel unknown and unappreciated, but God knows who you are. The thousands of men and women from the states over the years that built the buildings, purchased things we have needed and paid for children to go to the university.

My mind is not large enough to remember you by name, but my heart is filled with appreciation and love for you. To all of you who came and stayed 6 months to 5 years as house parents I am so grateful for you.

I pray you all will have a merry holiday, but I think mine will be best. May God give to you all that you have given to us.

Dottie had a good week and is getting stronger. Thank you for praying and we need to keep it up. God bless each of you.

The 6 children on dialysis with kidney disease.