Adela left for a week last night, so Estefany was here bright and early and she and Tony prepared Dottie for the day.
Adela will be visiting three different areas of Guatemala widely separated but she will be able to visit a host of family members she has not seen in a long time. She has done a great job of training Estefany to perform this critical job with Dottie.
Without Tony, Quique and Orlando we could not take care of Dottie. So add Adela and Estefany and Dottie is surrounded by a great team.
Julietta comes three days a week to perform therapy, and she has taught the others, so Dottie gets therapy 7 days a week.
The weather is still cold or maybe it is my old bones.
Dottie has been eating very well. Although she has pain in her legs are somewhat better.
Mitch arrived today.
I was able to sneak off and get a haircut since Estefany was here.

Tony translating my lesson