Alex’s Story
If Casa Aleluya hadn’t stepped in, Alex would have most likely died.
Nine-year-old Alex was suffering from severe kidney failure when he came to Casa Aleluya. Within a few months, Alex had a kidney transplant. Casa Aleluya’s care team ensured he was at 100% kidney function, so the court ruled that he could return home to live with his family.
After four months there, Alex’s kidney function had fallen to 25% due to improper care. His doctors concluded that, with the care his family could provide, Alex would die very soon, so he came back to Casa Aleluya.
He loves building Legos and reading. He enjoys reading game manuals to teach the other children how to play a new game together.
He is a baptized follower of Jesus, and his entire family has accepted Christ as well.
Without the support of donors like you, Alex’s story would have ended much differently. Every prayer and donation strengthens the four pillars of ministry at Casa Aleluya—Medical, Education, Discipleship, and Family—that children like Alex need to thrive.