Christian Academy is the school for the children of missionaries. They brought the seventh grader students to spend the day here and provide activities.

First, they had a soccer tournament playing against our 10-12 old boys followed by a tournament with the Esperanza girls.  They then had arts and crafts, then Bible lessons followed by pinatas. At 7 pm they had a bonfire for all the 10–12-year-olds.

So, it was a great day of activities preparing for school opening tomorrow here on campus.

Sunday I will share a lesson on ¨What kind of Father is God? In Matthew 6:9 you all know it says Our Father….¨.m It does not say ¨My Father..¨. We are a family and there is only one Father and all Christians belong to the same family. Jesus says in John 8:18 that if we know Him we will know the Father. It is so sad to see Christians not loving one another. This is our eternal family. We will be together through the ages forever. Love one another!

Choosing teams