Changing Dorms

The second purpose of reading the Bible is to make us wise to salvation. In II Timothy 3:15 we read¨ and that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Jesus Christ

¨. Without reading the Word we have no basis for our salvation. Everything you will ever need to know to live a life for Christ and enter into the gates of heaven is found in the Word.

Adela soon will return from her vacation. Estefany is doing a wonderful job of caring for Dottie and Febe helps when she does not have other obligations such as kitchen duty, etc.

Friday was moving day as the children changed dorms as they age into another dorm. For instance high school graduates moved into the college dorms.

One of the boys fell off his bike and broke his arm. When taken to the hospital they realized he was catching pneumonia so he will be there a while.

Adela, Dottie aand Michelle