Dottie is trying.
A young lady from Tulsa came for the weekend and is considering coming to help us out. Her name is Libby and she would make a good fit.
There also was a couple who came earlier in the week who are also interested in joining the staff.
The second crown that we can earn is the crown of the soul winner. Proverbs 11:30 says The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; he that winneth souls is wise. If every Christian would lead 5 people to the Lord in their lifetime what a marvel that would be.
Witnessing is the foundation of our own spiritual growth. No one loved me enough to tell me about Jesus when I was young and then a teen although I dated many protestants. But I met Dottie in college, and she told her dad about me and he witnessed to me and Christ became my Savior.
Friday night the children watched the movie, The Forge, which is continuation of The War Room which is such a wonderful Christian movie.
Adela, Julietta and Estefany helping Dottie use a walker. She cannot do it alone.