High school
The fifth reason to read your Bible daily is found in James 1:22 telling us we are to preach, teach and apply the Word to our lives. The scripture says ¨But be you doers of the Word and not hearers only¨. So many people carry their Bible to church on Sundays and then place them on a shelf or somewhere else until the next Sunday.
If you treated your body like that you would starve to death. Eating one meal a week will not sustain your body and opening your Bible for 1 hour a week will starve your soul.
The weather this morning was actually very nice. It wasn´t cold and the children enjoyed the sunshine.
I did something that I cannot remember doing except for the deaths of family or children at Casa. I drove to a secluded place and cried out to God for Dottie and Casa. The pain of seeing Dottie so ill is heartbreaking. I have always believed that we would just grow older together. Never did I think an illness of this magnitude would attack either of us. More than anything we need your prayers.
Our high school students begand classes today at the government school in San Bartolome.

Sunday afternoonn with some of the older young people