We go from God as a passionate, persistent, personal and prepared Father to number five which is that God is a permanent Father. This means that He is always there for us. You cannot escape God. He is always present.
As I told you my dad was offshore from Sunday after lunch until midnight the following Saturday.
I have been asked by many people over the years when will I retire. The answer is never. When the Lord called us to Guatemala Dottie and I agreed that leaving was not an option. It was a very difficult decision but one we do not regret.
I know that our children in the states have not had us around for 36 years, but they also know that we would have eternity together.
Most of the transition students have left and are living and working on their own. Some are 30 years old and had never been to school before coming to Casa so that
is why they are the age thy are at now. I am going to miss them.
Reaady for the new school year