Air Tragedies
Tammy, a missionary in Guatemala, came with Stacey and her friends to visit Casa. They are from Bastrop, La. only 10 miles from Dottie´s hometown of Crosset, Ark. One also has family in Bunkie, La. which was my home town.
Julietta and Adela walked Dottie to the piano and she was able to play a few notes she remembered but it was a positive morning. Her fingers do not work very well but she tried.
There are only 3 times that the word Christian is used in the Bible. They are in Acts 11:26 and 26:28 and I Peter 4;16.
He uses many words to describe us Christians. First called Christians at Antioch; Agrippa says Paul almost persuaded him to be a Christian and finally suffering as a Christian.
First point of the word Christians in Matthew 5:14 He says we are the light of the world. It is our responsibility to shine a light on who a Christian is and what a Christian does. The lost will see Christ in our light.
The airline disasters in Philadelphia and Washington just emphasizes how quickly life can change and even come to an end.
If you are interested in bringing a team to Casa call 731-444-0662 or go o and see the file Volunteer Interest-Mission team-Casa Aleluya

Julietta and Adela walking Dottie to the piano. Look at Dottie´s smile. Such joy!