Don´t settle

  I went to breakfast with one of the first children at Casa and I really needed the time to laugh at stories of the past. He knew more stories than I remembered.  

A team from a Guatemalan church came and had an activity with the children.

The 6th truth about sheep is sheep settle for anything. Whatever satisfies is what they will eat or perform. We should never settle. God has more in store for you and me. Make certain that you wait for that perfect spouse. Don´t settle! Wait for His will concerning your future.

Everyone here in Guatemala is so amazed that Dottie and I have had 62 years of marriage. We both dated others in high school and college, but she was praying for a man like her father. She passed up many men much better than me. The day I saw her I was convinced that she would be my wife. Where would Casa be if we had not waited?  

Yesterday Tatiana and Adela fixed us a turkey dinner for Valentine´s Day.

One of the college boys asked me to have an altar call for salvation Sunday. When I asked him why not now, he replied Ï want to receive Christ in front of my classmates¨.
