I love all of the more than 6000 children God has sent us over the years. Even the ones who did not like us and never accepted us as parents. Each child has been special.
However, one girl was Doris who was the most abused child Casa ever received. She was not even two years old when she came here. She received Christ and forgot the abuse. She recently graduated from nursing school and is leaving to get on with her life. I love her so much and wish her the best. She told me last night that she will always serve the Lord and make Godly decisions.
Part of my heart is broken but the other part is filled with love and pride that God chose me to be her father. I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a strong Christian and I prayb that God will give her a Godly husband and children.
In II Timothy God says that we are soldiers. That means we fight Satan and our flesh every day. We need to take the armor of God and fight for those we love as well as for ourselves. The main characteristic of a soldier is obedience. Fighting for your family and others is a tremendous blessing.
I assure you if you fight for your friends and family, you will receive a purple heart signifying you were wounded in battle. A prophet told me one time over 65 years ago that he saw me with one hand and foot in hell pulling children from the clutches of the devil.

Dottie and Doris