Dottie in church
It was 36 years ago today, February 3rd, that Dottie and I with 5 of our children in the back of a pick-up truck crossed from Mexico into Guatemala.
I was filled with fear, and we had no idea where to go nor who to contact. I was so scared that if someone would have called and asked me to return to the states and pastor a church, we would have made an immediate U-turn and returned to Louisiana. But 6000 children later I realize that He was with me even in my fear.
The second name God uses to describe Christians is Citizens of Heaven. In Philippians 3:20 it says ¨for our conversation is in heaven¨. If we are living correctly as a child of God, our conversation or words will be pure and uplifting. Cursing, boasting, lying and the like should not be in our vocabulary. We should speak kindly and lovingly always telling the truth and lifting others.
Dottie has been attending church on Sundays and sits next to me while I preach. I believe that she understands much of what I preach. She does lift her hands when we worship so her spirit is well.
Our son Tony and wife Lily came and prepared lasagna for us for lunch after church.

She is praying not sleeping