Dottie on the piano
Our pediatrician who has been with us awhile is resigning. She has a practice in San Lucas which is 2 miles away and can be called at any time.
Amalfi who was here years ago and is one of my most favorite children ever with an unbelievable story of God´s love and power. She married a wonderful Christian and they have two children. Their son is in the 5th year of medical school and the daughter is in her first year of university.
The last scripture that I want to share with you concerning my battle with worry is Joshua 1:9 which says, ¨Have not I commande4d you? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go. ¨
There is no place I can ever go where He is not present. I need to keep my mind stayed on that.
The women came and had a Bible study with Dottie and will be doing it each Thursday. This will be good stimulation for her brain.
Julietta and Adela walked Dottie to her piano and she played even though her fingers were difficult to control. But mentally she remembered what the keys were.

Dottie on the piano