My Grandfathers Farm

I preached on the fact that God calls us Christians only 3 times in the Word. He uses terms like Light of the World, Citizens of Heaven, Living Stones, Salt of the Earth, Soldiers and Members of a Body.

But the one I see referred to most is Sheep. He is our shepherd. The 7th truth about us being sheep is that sheep are valuable. Sheep provide wool, meat and milk. They are not large, but they play a grand place in God´s world. You and I are important. With the many negatives about sheep, they are still tremendously important to this world in many countries.

When I grew up on my grandfather´s farm we had pigs, cows, chickens, horses and sheep. Memories run deep and my heart returns to those early days of my life as they had a great part in my becoming who I am.

The college students leave at 5am and yesterday returned after 9pm due to traffic. Very long day, short night and Bible at 8:30 Sunday morning.  

Tatiana and Rocio