Singing the Word

I have been sick 5 days and last night was the worst night but I woke up feeling fairly well. Tatiana, Adela and Celia all nursed me.

Josue and Estella returned to Guatemala last night, so we are blessed that they are back.

Dottie does not appreciate my singing voice but the 9th step in studying the Bible is to sing the Word. The psalms were always sung.

Some of my fondest memories was when I was on staff at the Lafayette Teaching Center with 8 other ministers. Every service was filled with singing scripture. It was wonderful. I am now the last of the pastors still living.

When our daughter died the 9 of us stood around the casket in the graveyard and just praised God by singing the Word of God. It was like when MosesĀ“s sister led singing when Pharoah and his army was drowned. Moses sang in Exodus 15:1-3 and Miriam in Exodus1:20-21.

The Bible is filled with songs.

Michelle is doing well. One test to go