94 pounds
Yesterday the women had their weekly Bible study with Dottie and it is a blessing. They bring food and laughter, and Dottie is blessed.
Our senior high students attend the state school in San Bartolome and we received a great compliment from a long time teacher there. He said our students were more attentive, more respectful and better students than the rest of the teens. I am so proud of them.
The 7th point in having success is to Run your race with patience. Hebrews 12:1! You just cannot quit. Every Christian is put on earth with a purpose. When I ran track I was good at the 100, 200, relays, hurdles and terrible at the 800 and mile. I knew my limits.
As a Christian I must know my limits. I will never have a large church to pastor. I am not a beautiful singer. I was called by God to love and teach children. As long as I stay in that lane God will bless and use me.
The Mobile team with Macy left today. They really blessed the children.
Dottie weighs 94 pounds.

Heavy fog over our school