
The Texas team had pizza for the older girls.

As I was reading this morning, I read Joshua 24:13 “I have given you a land for which you did not labor, etc¨ It really caused me to daydream and go back to 1989 when we moved to Guatemala. That scripture is so true. All that has been accomplished was by the hand of God.

It lines up with Psalm 23 as we have seen these last few days. There was the Provision as God provided the land. There was Peace in that God made a way for us to purchase land amongst neighbors and a village that loved us. There was Providence as God laid out His plan for us to have 6000 children.

And as we saw yesterday there was Presence as God has been with us for 36 years.

The fifth truth of Psalm 23 is verse 5 and that is His Protection. Uncertainties and difficulties have surrounded us, yet He has indeed provided a table for us in the wilderness. Our cup has run over with multitudes of blessings. As I approach the finish line of my life I can certainly see and say that Jesus has been with me in the good times and in the hard times.