: Estefany has been in dialysis at Casa for years. Last week she turned 18 years of age, and the government made her go live with her parents. This is a terrible and possibly deadly decision. She will have to go to San Juan Hospital at 2 in the morning and get in line. They do not take appointments. It is a death sentence. Please pray daily for her.
I gave my testimony to the Texas group. Tennessee arrived Monday night, so I spoke to them also.
Volcano Fuego erupted Monday. I do not have details, but it was a large eruption. 300 families were evacuated and 30,000 are at risk. The government reported pyroclastic flows, a high temperature mix of gas, ash and rock. It is expected to worsen. In 2018 it erupted and killed 428 people. In 2023 it erupted with no deaths.
Psalm 23:2 says I have rest from a weary journey. This is peace. I think that Dottie and I have tried to have peace in the middle of a very busy 62 years of marriage and a ministry now over 60 years long. With Dottie ill I have to say even now our love for the children has not waned. When God is leading me, I have nothing to fear.
Ryan had a Bible study followed by pizza with 4 dorms. Collins had cake and games with the baby dorm.

Volcano Fuego 15 miles from Casa