John Maxwell
Dottie woke up at 2am and pulled all the cover off me and onto the floor. Then she shook me and asked for scissors. I woke her up and she just laughed and laughed for 10 minutes.
Throughout her illness which began in October 2024 she has just laughed through all she is going through.
Another point in ways to study the Bible is found in James 1:22 ¨But be you doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. ¨You will not be an overcoming Christian until you do what the Word of God says. That means you live the Word of God daily. If it is in the Bible it is because God wants you to do it.
Some of our staff attended a John Maxwell seminar in the city.
Michelle had her third trip int to city to hospital. She leaves at 4am with Adela to be there for one of the first appointments.

Staff members at the John Maxwell preaching