Jolly Dottie

Candida received her passport so that makes all of us happy. Cameron is working to get all the paperwork finished. There will be a wedding in the states this year.

Dottie had another crazy experience in her sleep and could not stop laughing for nearly 20 minutes. I finally got her awake and asked her what was so funny. She said that I(Mike) was trying to shoot myself, but the gun misfired, and it was funny. 

I suppose this disease is causing her to be jolly which is so much better than angry or sad.

Success is becoming whom God wants you to be. First, you can be successful if you think properly. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” You cannot believe the lies of the devil and be successful. It is necessary for you to see yourself the way that God sees you.

Josue and Estella spoke to several churches and groups the last two weeks in the USA. When they return to live in Tennessee in July Estella wants to continue doing that. If you would like to have her at your church just send me your email address and I will pass it on to her and she will contact you.

One night a month steaks are cooked and cake is purchased and all of the children who have a birthday that month are honored and everyone eats steak and cake.

Candida and her passport