Joyful Heart
Matthew 4:18-20 says “And Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee saw two brethren, Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net in the sea for they were fishers. And Jesus said “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And straightway they left their nets and followed Him”.
I see nine truths that a follower of Jesus will do. First, a true follower is born again. John 3:3 says “I say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God¨.
The Texas team left, and another Tennessee team arrived. It was like old times having so many people on campus. It helps meet the needs of the children in the social area.
Dottie wakes up every day with a joyful heart. That is such a gift from God. I am pretty sure that if I was unable to walk and had the other effects of Hakim Adam syndrome, I would not have the joy that she has. I married an angel. Dottie loves everybody and smiles without ceasing even when she is in pain.