Michelle writing her sponsor
I was so blessed as we received a new child. We are trying to do everything the courts ask of us and there are so many regulations now.
Michelle and Adela went back to the hospital at 4:30am. This is the 4th time in one week, but Michelle is doing better. They are rechecking her eyes and doing blood work.
The soccer tournament is going well. The kids love it—especially the winners.
Evelyn steps in to help Dottie when Adela and Estefany are gone. Normally it has been Estephany but she began her college classes today.
We have at least one boy in the house to help carry Dottie. Tony teaches school but is here in the afternoons. Quique goes to college on Saturdays and plays soccer Sunday afternoons. Minor is free every day when he gets off from work. They all love Dottie and work so hard to help her.
Number 5 in being successful is managing your time. Romans 5:16 tells us to redeem the time.
I grew up in Catholic school in Bunkie, La. and those nuns were tough. But they sure did teach us how to study. After school I had football practice then work on the farm and at least 2 hours each night studying.
Work was a major part of my life, and it gave me the strength and desire to do what I have done in Guatemala. Christians should never shirk hard work.
Quique and I drove to Chimaltenango to cut my hair and spend quality time. He is a tremendous young man.

Michelle is writing this herself