Osea and Nora

Osea and Nora came to see me after church. Osea came to Casa when he was 4 and his brother Bubba was 44 days old. He studied law and for a class project Osea changed his last name to Clark. That has always been a blessing to me.

The Mobile team bought soccer for all the children with their names on the shirt. They are going to have a 3-day soccer match. Each night for 3 days they will play.

Ted and Lori left for Texas this morning. I always miss them.

Success in reaching your goals in your Christian life means you think properly, you work hard and today we see we must have goals Philippians 3:14 “I press on towards the prize.” The prize is first an eternal relationship with God and second your goals as a Christian. What type of Christian do you want to be? Do not settle for Sunday morning Christianity. Be a Christian 7 days a week. In your family daily, your church your job or school, etc.

I officiated a funeral of a man who was a Christian and church member since an early age. I was standing by the coffin when a group of his coworkers walked up. One asked another who was going to perform the funeral. When they said Pastor Mike from Aleluya Acres one man commented Ï did not know he was a Christian¨. Do not be a silent Christian.

Oseas and Nora