Road blocks
19th: I had tremendous heart pains last night, so I woke up Dottie and asked her to pray for me. She couldn´t understand. I still have the heart pains.
This morning, I shared my testimony with the second Tennessee team led by Lisa who has been here multiple times.
The third truth about being a follower of Jesus is that a true follower of Christ will listen to Him. Matthew 17:5 says This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him! Our ears are important to God. He wants to speak to us.
He wants us to communicate with Him. Jesus loves us so much that He gives us plenty of opportunity to hear His Word.
The Jackson, Tn. Team left today. They just like the other 4 teams recently, have connected with the children and done so much to make the children happy and demonstrate the love of Christ. They had to leave early because there are major blockades around the city and especially going to the airport. The reason is that the government passed a law that everyone must had vehicle insurance, and most folks cannot do so.
20th: The blockades began at 4am so most of our teachers and many of our other personnel could not get to Casa.
Last night when Josue and Estella were heading to their home in San Cristobal they had to turn around. At 10am Wednesday they blockaded San Lucas and Santa Lucia so traffic is stopped in every direction.
The fourth thing a follower of Jesus does is believes in Jesus. It is believing in Christ and obeying Him. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but has everlasting life”.
It breaks my heart when I give an invitation and children do not respond. On Sunday morning at an altar call it is certain that 90% of those in attendance declare that they are saved. But I look at those who do now respond and I think of the parable of the one sheep that the shepherd goes after. It reminds me of why I am here. It is that one sheep I must go after.
Tuesday and Wednesday people were stuck in traffic until past midnight, and no one knows when this will end.
The boys from Vencedores come almost every day to pray for Dottie and it means so much to her.