Three helpers

Adela and Estella

The sixth truth about a follower of Jesus is that we will love Jesus more and more. Mark 12:30 “And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul and mind”.

We must guard our minds and attitudes. In the world we live in it is so difficult to keep your eyes on Jesus. People today have cell phones and all the evil things of the world at their fingertips. When I was a teen there were nothing even approaching evil that teens must deal with.

Adela is teaching another of our college girls, Estella, how to care for Dottie because she will be taking Michelle to an early morning (5am) medical appointment Monday. So, we have Estefany, Estella and Evelin to care for Dottie when Adela is not here.

Lisa´s team worked on campus in the morning and then visited with Adam in the afternoon.

Julietta is paid for 3 days of therapy, but Adela does 4 days on her own and now has taught the other three girls what to do, So Dottie is getting daily therapy.

The women came for the usual Bible study with Dottie. All the American and Guatemalan women come so it really blesses Dottie and of course helps her mental state.