Psalm 23 has so far shown us His provision, peace and providence.
Today is verse 4 which is His presence. “Yea thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will feel no evil; for though art near me, thy rod and thy staff shall comfort me”.
When we stay close to Christ in praise and prayer, we will never feel alone nor abandoned. I know that heaven is my destination.
The rod is a heavy club to kill our enemies, and the staff is a long hooked rod to gather the sheep. You and I have protection from enemies and the curved pole to bring sheep (people) into the fold of salvation.
Vanessa came here at age 2 and is a dorm mother now. She is part of her church trio and they are going to minister for 3 days in Honduras.
The women had their weekly Bible study with Dottie and she loves it.