Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog


I love all of the more than 6000 children God has sent us over the years. Even the ones who did not like us and never accepted us as parents. Each child has been special. However, one girl was Doris who was the most abused child Casa ever…


We have been interviewing social workers and psychologists. We need to shore up that area of Casa. I Peter 3:20 tells us we are living stones. God is building His kingdom, and we are a part of that. Each of us is part of a foundation for our…

Dottie in church

It was 36 years ago today, February 3rd, that Dottie and I with 5 of our children in the back of a pick-up truck crossed from Mexico into Guatemala. I was filled with fear, and we had no idea where to go nor who to contact. I was…

Air Tragedies

Tammy, a missionary in Guatemala, came with Stacey and her friends to visit Casa.  They are from Bastrop, La. only 10 miles from Dottie´s hometown of Crosset, Ark. One also has family in Bunkie, La. which was my home town. Julietta and Adela walked Dottie to the piano and…

Dottie on the piano

Our pediatrician who has been with us awhile is resigning. She has a practice in San Lucas which is 2 miles away and can be called at any time. Amalfi who was here years ago and is one of my most favorite children ever with an unbelievable story…


Jerry has been welding 2 sets of rolling soccer goals which is blessing the children. Guatemalans love their soccer. The fifth truth about worry is found in I Peter 5:7. ¨Casting all your care upon Him because He cares for you. ¨ All my life I have had…

My Mentor and Friend

Christianity lost a mighty soldier for Jesus. Charles Rogers, pastor, Bible teacher, evangelist, missionary and my mentor passed away yesterday. He was in his 90s and leaves an unbelievable record of service to Christ. He served on the board of World Ministry Fellowship for over 50 years. I…

Jerry, Gledia and Kenny

28th:  Jerry Clemmens, Adam´s dad, came and is staying with his sponsor children Victor and Celia. Jerry has been coming to Casa for more than 25 years and is part of the original building contractors. So, he stopped by and brought me a gift which is an Elipse…

Thank You

I used to brag for years about the beautiful weather in Guatemala and how we did not need neither air conditioning nor heaters. But the last few months have been unbelievable as the weather is bitterly cold more days than not. Why should I worry when God loves,…

Stress can kill you

Adela took Michelle to the surgeon who will be doing her eye surgery in March due to allergies. We are all disappointed because this involves her vision.     Estefany has been learning how to care for Dottie and is doing a great job. Adela and Estefany are wonderful…

A Visit of Hope

Someone asked me where I get my sermon themes from. I preach about what I need in my own life. Do you have a ¨greatest problem?” I do! It is worry! In the Bible a father had an epileptic son, and he asked Jesus to heal the child.…


It is such a shame and disappointment that my sister, Virginia, and her son Justin were unable to come for a long weekend. The Gulf coast is still snow and ice and her flight was cancelled. I miss her. She is trying to reschedule for next weekend. e…

Crazy weather in South Louisiana

My sister, Virginia, and nephew are scheduled to visit us today (Thursday). My sister lives in Baton Rouge and the snow and sleet grounded planes on Wednesday so I am praying they were able to fly today. Just received word from her that they cannot fly out of…

Ice in Baton Rouge

Michelle had a slight fever but nothing that will prevent her from having the eye surgery soon. The fifth crown that we can lay at the feet of Jesus is found in I Corinthians 9:24-25 that says, ¨Know you not that they which run in a race run…

President Trump

The Bible is the best-selling book every year. 50 are sold every minute. 72,000 every day and 26,000,000 every year. Doris 1 came to church with her son yesterday. She is studying French and preparing to enter law school. That is such a great accomplishment. The fourth crown…


The third crown mentioned in the Bible that we can receive and then lay at the feet of Jesus when we get to heaven is the crown of righteousness. II Timothy 4:7-8 says I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course. I have kept the…

Dottie is trying.

A young lady from Tulsa came for the weekend and is considering coming to help us out. Her name is Libby and she would make a good fit. There also was a couple who came earlier in the week who are also interested in joining the staff. The…


: One of our most faithful young people who has been here for years and been a wonderful daughter and helper at Casa has moved on. Marlin is a college graduate and oversaw teams but is now in her 30s and knows she needs to make a life…

Thinking outside the box

As soon as you read this pray for the government inspection that we are having today. In 36 years, this will be the single most important inspection we have had. I have given you 6 thoughts as to who God is as a Father to us. Passionate, persistent,…

Major meeting with CNA

Please pray for our Friday follow-up inspection by the CNA which is the governing body for all Children´s homes in Guatemala.  More specifically, pray for our certification. We are believing for a miracle and favor with them. Danny came to Casa 19 years ago and finished high school…