Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

56 years old

Psalm 23 is the best loved single passage in the Old Testament. It is the most quoted of all the Old Testament. It ends with a great triumph. “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”. There is no we, us or they in the Psalm.…

94 pounds

Yesterday the women had their weekly Bible study with Dottie and it is a blessing. They bring food and laughter, and Dottie is blessed. Our senior high students attend the state school in San Bartolome and we received a great compliment from a long time teacher there. He…

A Long Journey

This morning I gave my testimony to the Mobile group. I never get tired of telling the story of how God had a different direction for my life which led from Bunkie to Natchitoches to Crossett, Arkansas to Bakersfield, California back to Louisiana then to Florida and then…

Michelle writing her sponsor

I was so blessed as we received a new child. We are trying to do everything the courts ask of us and there are so many regulations now. Michelle and Adela went back to the hospital at 4:30am. This is the 4th time in one week, but Michelle…

Dottie and Spot

Last night was the most difficult night of pain Dottie has had in these 5 months of illness. She cried due to pain in her legs so I did my best to rub the water upwards from her feet. She still is smiling as I type this. he…

Osea and Nora

Osea and Nora came to see me after church. Osea came to Casa when he was 4 and his brother Bubba was 44 days old. He studied law and for a class project Osea changed his last name to Clark. That has always been a blessing to me.…


Roberto was raised here with his brothers, and he graduated then went to the US to attend university in Tennessee. He worked in the US for a few years and now is back in Guatemala and works as a Medical Interpreter on-line with physicians in the USA and…

Jolly Dottie

Candida received her passport so that makes all of us happy. Cameron is working to get all the paperwork finished. There will be a wedding in the states this year. Dottie had another crazy experience in her sleep and could not stop laughing for nearly 20 minutes. I…

John Maxwell

Dottie woke up at 2am and pulled all the cover off me and onto the floor. Then she shook me and asked for scissors. I woke her up and she just laughed and laughed for 10 minutes. Throughout her illness which began in October 2024 she has just…

Singing the Word

I have been sick 5 days and last night was the worst night but I woke up feeling fairly well. Tatiana, Adela and Celia all nursed me. Josue and Estella returned to Guatemala last night, so we are blessed that they are back. Dottie does not appreciate my…

Cameron and Candida

Michelle is such a trooper. Eye surgery is so painful and yet Michelle never flinches or asks the doctor to stop. I have had eye surgeries, and they are painful and extremely uncomfortable. The 8th step in studying the Bible is Pray the Bible. Just build up a…

Querwin and Jasmin

Michelle went back to the hospital at 4am for the medical folks to check her eyes following surgery. She received a good report as they are healing very well. We were blessed yesterday to have a visit from Querwin and Jasmine. He was in the first family to…

Surgery went well

Michelle was feeling bad before the surgery, but they were able to stabilize her. Adela takes such wonderful care of Michelle, and I know that God will bless her tremendously for all she has done. The surgery went well. It took about an hour and a half. Recuperating!…

Eye surgery

I taught that the Bible is God´s Word. You are following daily if you read my updates, you will be able to get all 10 points. Today is point number five and that is meditate on the Word. One of my most favorite books of the Bible is…


Andrew´s team had activities including crafts and hot dogs with Esperanza up and down and Vencedores. Also crafts with dialysis. The Texas team played pickle ball with the older boys and then served the boys hot dogs. The older boys got fried chicken also. We have seen that…

We once were young

Andrew´s team is working with the children, and the other two teams were working on the transition building. The third point I made about studying the Bible was learn to study it. The three points under learning are What do I see?  What does it mean?, and today…


Andrew Brown came to Casa many years ago. He got saved and worked with Tim and the younger boys. He was so gentle and loving and the children loved him. He left and married in Canada and began having children. I believe the number is 10. He and…

No photos

The government says that no one can post photographs of children under age 18. So this applies to all homes for children. The garbage collectors in the city formed blockades in various areas to stop traffic as they demand more money. Dottie woke up around midnight with pain…

Dottie smiling

Yesterday I shared that to study the Word you start with listening to it. Secondly, you read it for yourself. Do you realize that you only need to read 3 chapters a day and 4 on Sunday and you will read the entire Bible in one year? Adela…

770,000 words

I was feeling very blue as the strain of watching Dottie struggle and the population of Casa shrinking. But as I had my pity party God reminded me that Casa has produced so many pastors, church members, choir members, Sunday school teachers, musicians, vocalists, deacons, even missionaries, etc.…