Mike Clark's Daily Blog
We need prayer
My granddaughter Keyser has joined Eduardo in the hospital as he has been having rapid weight loss. The dialysis children need so much prayer because as they are aging now at 16 and 17 their bodies are weakening. Can you imagine a neurologist making a house call? The…
Doing better
Our new addition is 95% finished so we will start moving in a few days. With Dottie bedridden it will be difficult for me because I have no idea of decorating a house and getting everything we have gathered in 35 years in Guatemala. The boys went and…
Fast and Pray
In Mark 9: 24 it says that a man brought his son to Jesus. The child had a demon. Jesus told him to believe but the man said, "I believe but help my unbelief". I am saying to Jesus right now in this prayer for Him to help…
A Rough Day
Yesterday, Eduardo, dialysis patient, who has been in the hospital for over 3 weeks has begun to have bleeding in his brain. Only prayer can be his medicine so please bow your head when you read this and pray for God's will for Eduardo. Jerry and I prayed…
A sweet blast from the past
Would you believe I waited months to watch the football game with LSU verses USC and Direct TV cut the feed two minutes before the game. Orlando was able to get me hooked to a Spanish speaking channel, so I watched the LSU TIGRES. (Las TEE GREYS). Adela…
Angel and Claudia
I am the most blessed man I know. Dottie and I have seen so many children here and grow into adulthood and become wonderful adults. Claudia came here when she was two and she married Angel. They have one child and their own business. They come and teach…
God meets the needs
Jeff preached Sunday and then took off with his family to catch a flight back to Tennessee. His preaching is so well received by the children as he speaks perfect Spanish and obviously has a knowledge of the Word. Dottie had a long physical therapy and although very…
$1 tuition
Eduardo has been in ICU for 21 days, so prayer is still needed. Aroldo went to a medical conference in Panajachel. He is well known in the nephrology circles. He is a powerful young man Tony came to us as a baby as did Quique and they…
Jeff Preached
Jeff preached and the kids received his words. He and Mary Beth were missionaries in Mexico for 5 years. He will preach Sunday also and then they will leave for Tennessee. It has been a blessing to have them and their children. Dottie had a long therapy session.…
Leslie, who had cancer died last night. Casa helped get her a prosthetic leg. She is the niece of Eddie who was raised here and still works here. We had a zoom meeting with the board on Tuesday to discuss the finances and other items. Adela works so…
New addition
It appears that the new addition to our home so that Dottie will not have to walk up stairs will be ready by the weekend. Sadly, we had teams here but now that school has started, we do not have any teams to help us move all our…
Dottie is doing a little better. She can walk with her walker without me helping although I stay right behind her. Rex had a birthday party for his sponsored child and included all the girls in the dorm. Jeff and I had a wonderful conversation about his and…
I need prayer
Rex and some of our staff took the Doncellas girls swimming. Today was visiting day and all the parents came to Bible. It has been a blessing for me to preach to the children and their parents together. Dottie has a good attitude, but her feet just do…
I messed up yesterday so repeat plus today
Therapy 24th: Dottie got up in the night to go to the restroom and did not wake me. She fell and could not get up for 2 hours before I awoke at 4am and found her. She said that she did not want to bother me. Mitch is…
Dottie fell while I slept
Dottie got up in the night to go to the restroom and did not wake me. She fell and could not get up for 2 hours before I awoke at 4am and found her. She said that she did not want to bother me. Mitch is here and…
Eduardo is so ill
I want to thank you for your response in helping us honor the 15-year-old girls. Every offering will help us to provide a special time as they celebrate their quinceanera. Eduardo is in ICU and on oxygen as he continues to fight the battle with his kidneys.…
Therapy today
Dottie is still struggling with walking. She has no pain, but she also has no strength. Julietta came and she really is a top-notch therapist, so it is only a matter of time. Many people have texted to say they are praying for Dottie and we are so…
Therapy yesterday wore Dottie out as Julietta gave two hours of therapy as she was showing Adela, Quique and me how to do what needs to be done each day for Dottie. Julietta is another example of a young child who came to Casa and was educated and…
God slapped me upside my head this morning when I was reading the Book of Joshua. I often feel sorry for myself but Joshua 13:1 says, "Now Joshua was old and stricken in age, me, and God said, "There remaineth much land to be possessed". I was having…
Jeremy, Cindy, Angel and Claudia
Jeremy preached in my place Sunday morning. Dottie is walking with a walker and doing what the neurologist has asked her to do. So hopefully within the week we can get a physical therapist. The neurologist came to our home to see Dottie. The man who helped Michelle…