Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Dottie fell
Dottie fell during the night, and I slept over two hours before waking up and finding her. Praise God she did not harm herself but just lying there. There was a huge wreck in Santa Maria so many of our teachers were unable to get to Casa. The…
Compression fracture
Dottie is so weak and fatigued from the trip to the lab yesterday for the MRI. A team of 23 from North Carolina came. We had 90 Americans in Bible, so I had a Spanish lesson followed by an English lesson. I just received the neurologist report based…
Dottie had an MRI because the neurologist thinks the situation may be due to the hardware in her back from the surgery when she broke her back 30 years ago. From what I understand he feels that the metal may have moved, etc. Oscar and Tatiana drove us…
Dottie with her therapist Dr. Adrian, neurologist, examined Dottie and says her problem is possibly damage to her lower back due to when she broke her back years ago. So we will have her take a MRI and then see where we are. Linsey is fading fast. Eddy…
Dottie babysitting
I was not going to celebrate the 4th of July since Dottie has been ill. But the kids in our house barbecued hot dogs, etc. especially for Dottie. The Ruston team began working on ceiling and floors in Esperanza. The Ruston team also had crafts and devotionals with…
The Ruston team arrived at 2am this morning and at 3am Doc and Debbie left for the airport. We had a professional photographer who is a friend of Ted, and the board wants to make a video of my testimony. With Dottie and I not able to travel…
Cook Baptist is a Rustin, Louisiana team that arrived last night. They have been part of Casa for countless years. Two of the boys were adopted from here. Alex is married and is studying at Louisiana Tech. James 1:27 says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure…
I am so blessed as each Monday morning early I have a conference call with Jerry, Scott and Chuck from Mississippi and Alabama and we pray and encourage one another. It is so uplifting and fills me with hope and joy. Jerry was the person that God used…
Psalm 139
Yesterday I continued teaching from Psalm 139 which is all about God knowing us and pursuing us. Daily He ministers to our hearts in an attempt to draw us closer to Him. This psalm tells us two things about God. First is He gives direction and secondly, He…
Good news for Rene
Great news as the results on Rene's cancer. The lymph nodes tumors are not growing so he will not have to return for 3 months. Again, we see answer to prayer. Dottie had a pretty good day but walking alone is just not an option. She has another…
Today is the last vacation day for the school so kindergarten through university will begin next week. Estella's team is taking up the tile flooring in one room upstairs in Esperanza. Never doubt God's desire or ability to help you. It's your responsibility to do what God told…
San Bartolome
There were blockades by soldiers in San Lucas and Chimaltenango Wednesday which kept us from going anywhere. The reason is the army has not been paid in months. This prevents us from getting the sick kids scheduled for doctor visits in Guatemala from being able to make their…
Another cancer attack
The rains have been so strong almost every afternoon and evening. Estella signed for the house so Josue and Estella with their children will be here in Guatemala for one year. Dottie had a terrible time today as she could not walk even with my help. Martin Luther…
Cried to return
Monday was another active day. Mandy's team had gifts for Doncilla, Esperanza and Estrellita's dorms. Cristi and Carrie played bingo with Esperanza and in the evening they had a movie night with the boys. Rene had a checkup on his cancer situation. Two teenage girls who have been…
Very busy Sunday
This is midterm for all the children kindergarten through university. That is the reason we allowed the 18-year-olds to leave campus for 4 days. Freedom is what all adults need. Sunday Mandy's group ministered to the children who did not have visits. Then they had crafts with the…
Visiting Day
Katy is a graduate Sunday was visiting day for the children. Also, half of the 18-year-olds and older went to their families for 4 days. This is midterm vacation for all students including university. After the family visit all of the 13 year old girls and older went…
Oscar is graduating Half of the 18-year-olds and older left for a few days with their families. Amanda and Rachel from The Woodlands, Texas came and prayed over our house and us individually. The team took Estrelita's girls swimming. There were special activities for the boys in Buen…
Adam and Vilma
Ebert is graduating I spent two days reading Schaeffer's book "The Finished Work of Christ" and it was so awesome I could not put it down. It is a verse-by-verse teaching of Romans chapters 1- 8. Mandy's team took the college students, dorm assistants and my two boys…
Catalina receiving her suit for graduation The Oklahoma team had crafts with the younger girls and later with older girls. The team had a pizza meal with the boys in Vencedores. Charlie and Adam each brought a team, and they had activities for the children who had no…
Oklahoma team
Javi's birthday gift. The Cincinnati Reds stadium. Pastor Harold came yesterday to play with the children. He had two teams. One from Dominican Republic and the other from Florida. They all came upstairs and prayed for Dottie. Lori left for the states, but Ted will be here two…