Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Number Your Days #1
8th:(not published yesterday) Dottie took Marlin Estefany to get her dress as well as the clothes for bridesmaids & groomsmen. The civil wedding will be here at Casa on Saturday with the church wedding one week later. With needing dorm parents we also are in need of drivers.…
Obadiah #4
Josue waited 7 hours in the Guatemala airport so he arrived late to Atlanta; arrived in Jacksonville at 1am. They arose early to drive to Macon, Ga. So he is petty tired. A group of medical personnel from Bridge of Life in Denver stopped to access our needs…
Obadiah #3
Dottie & Gladys met with Marlin to go over the plans for the wedding. She will have 13 bridesmaids. Dottie is becoming a professional wedding planner. Amilcar came to see me. He said that he has learned so much about Jesus & what he was taught here for…
Obadiah #2
Bob, Lee, Candy and Josue all are all in the states for a week to 10 days. Right now our greatest need is a couple who can be house parents for the older boys. Alex & Sara are wonderful in that dorm but he is assistant director of…
Obadiah #1
Pablo came by to introduce me to his 5 year old daughter whom I had not met. He is doing well. Wendy came to church today also as well as a dozen other young adults who left a while back. It makes Dottie & I feel good because it…
Hosea #4
I wish I could show you pictures & express to you what God has done with the teenagers this week. There have been many salvations & renewing of lives. It has been awesome. Josue leaves Tuesday for one-week training in Waycross, Ga in telemedicine. He really loves the…
Hosea #3
One of our teen girls broke her finger & had surgery & screws inserted. The boys walked up to Adam’s place for prayer & then breakfast. The teens are being so blessed by this week of spiritual instruction, testimonies, praise and prayer. Dottie & I did more Christmas…
Hosea #2
Adam invited an awesome man to come give his testimony tonight to the children & he was accompanied by one of his employees who was a child here & had a Bible that I had written in twenty years ago. Byron. God is so good to let me…
Hosea #1
We were to have lunch with Brad who is the son of our board chairman but we miscommunicated. That was a real disappointment as he leaves Friday I believe. He is visiting Guatemala. Someone asked me how many children came to Casa since January, 2016 & that number…
Daniel #2
Josue' and I went and bought the candy for Christmas. The teenagers are so excited about the week long "camp" even though they cannot leave off campus because of rules made by the judges 2 years ago. Gladys has been accepted by Fraternidad Cristiano to attend seminary. I…
Daniel #1
The discipleship team of Ezdras, Gladys, Adam and Jim began a one- week Christian camp experience for the teenagers. Five or six pastors will come and minister in the evenings. In the mornings our team will have events for the teens and in the afternoon they will have…
Jeremiah #3
Jeremy & his family left after working for nearly a month on the new little boy’s dorm. And, to top it off, he is returning for a week in January with the Tulsa group when we have the goal of finishing the little dorm & the dialysis unit. Kaiser…
Jeremiah #2
Dorothy & Ricardo’s wedding was a major project as Ricardo’s church family had very different ideas than Dottie. But Dottie was gracious as always & they are now married which was the main objective. There were 11 groomsmen & maids. Brandi was the maid-of-honor. Honestly, it was chaos . There were…
Jeremiah #1
Dottie & Gladys went early to buy flowers for the wedding & then Dottie started doing her magic of bouquets, boutonnieres and place settings. Kaiser’s mother was well enough to go home. He will be at least 2 months in the hospital. Jeremy has continued to work on…
Isaiah #3
The website is back up. I want to thank everyone behind the scenes in getting this done. Welcome back! Antony, Bubba & Sandra’s son, had another procedure done on the varicose veins in his stomach. It was a two hour procedure & he has returned to Casa. Both…
Isaiah #2
Gladys stayed in our house while we were in Oklahoma.['p06 Kaiser is drinking lots of water and is urinating well. The 10 month old who was unable to see due to cataracts had them removed Monday and now has vision. We feel blessed with the medical progress. Our…
Isaiah #1
As of 5:30 central time Kaiser was resting and the kidney functioning. The first 24 hours are critical. Before he went in to surgery for the transplant he told Aroldo "I will soon be able to drink a glass of water". It is 12:30am & just got home…
Ezra #4
The day began with bad news about the kidney transplant but just a few moments ago Aroldo contacted me and the surgery is on for 8am. PLEASE PRAY!! We shopped a little and had a meal with George, Shannon and their children. Ready to get home tomorrow evening.…
Ezra #3
The morning service was a blessing & the people of Trinity Baptist were so receptive. We ate lunch with the pastors and then there was a banquet. No good for my weight. There were other missionaries shared in the evening so we met some truly dedicated people. …
Ezra #2
God gave me a blessing. I slept over 12 hours. That was how tired I was. I am awaiting word from Aroldo about Keiser and the transplant. The weather was below freezing during the night so I am working on tomorrow’s sermon for Trinity Baptist as well as…