Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Run for your sake Run
Nine of our high school boys won medals in the area Olympics. Debbie, my office manager, arrived today as we will begin the annual board meeting. I am grateful to all of you who are praying about our finances. It has been a rough 6 months. The Bible…
The evening meal on Thursday are actually picnics with each family sharing a meal together. It has worked so well and the extra time with their siblings helps them to bond. I recently saw a statistic of $20,000,000,000 a year is spent on pornography every year in America…
Forgiveness #2
The value of the dollar is going down which is further affecting our finances. Daily I pray for unity with the children, staff and transition team and I pray for the finances. One of the children on dialysis began having seizures so she will spend the night in the…
My sisters
My sister, Virginia, in Baton Rouge has seen the water receding around her house but she is taking in friends who have had water damage in their homes. Pastor Mark in Patterson is sending teams and supplies there to help the families of their extended church congregation. CNA…
I had a scare as my computer crashed & everything is in it. It took 5 of our guys three hours to restore it. But they did. Praise God. CNA took pictures of every child & will return tomorrow to begin going through all of our files. All…
Ezdras had a music group come and play for our morning services and they were excellent. The keyboard player is Marlin's fiance. As calm as yesterday was today was the opposite. Our older girls finished second in their soccer league. We are preparing for the visit from CNA…
Carrots, raishes and lettuce
A problem with a water pump and not much else happened today. Jim & Kate took a group to pray on a mountain. I will not lie to you. I am not a man of faith. There are times I shake in my shoes and there…
Everything can change in a moment
The seniors presented their special projects accomplished in groups and shared with all of the children and staff. They were excellent presentations. The years fly by as Quique who came to us as an infant is now graduating and that is remarkable to me. He has lived in…
Michelle, our special needs daughter, attends a special school & today was nominated for queen. I am surprised at how happy she is. We received a 5 year old & a 3 week-old last night. I began buying the nonperishable items we always get for our house for…
I Can
Dr. Miguel & the nurses have finished all of the medical exams on all of the children so they are ready to present to CNA. You have no idea how important this is. A group of us went dorm to dorm with the list of necessary changes also…
Just try it alone!
Answered prayer! Jessie had an MRI and her herniated back is healed. No surgery! Aleluya! I sent our board chairman, Wes, an email at 3:40am and we emailed back and forth for a couple of hours. Then Tim and I found a secluded location and worked on the…
The physicians did not take Heather off of life support because she is an organ donor. Others will live because of her loving generosity. Dottie's eye exam went well. They did discover a small hole in the other eye. She does have a long road ahead of her…
It is not His fault
Horrible accident as Heather, wife of Gene Martz, fell down a flight of stairs & suffered brain damage. She will be removed from life support Monday morning. Gene has been to Casa and stayed to oversee Pastor Dave’s dorm. Pray the family. They are from Cumberland, Md. They…
Jessie made it home safely and will have surgery on August 11th so be praying for her. We signed the paper work to unify the land on the Santiago side of our state. Soon we will do San Bartolome'. That will give us 4 titles instead of 17…
David’s Cave
CNA called Sebastian and Analy back to a meeting in the city. It was about staff-child ratios. We need dorm parents. We need assistant dorm parents. This would be a great opportunity for anyone 21or over who wants to serve either male or female. Pray about it. My…
Joy comes
CNA requested we place another couple in Vencedores to assist Lee & Candy. Jim & Kate have graciously agreed. There are 64 8-12 year old boys in that dorm. The school had an end-of-the-third semester program. Jim spoke to the children. Jessie will leave Friday morning for surgery…
Answered prayers
Teams are cleaning around the two construction sites; making dividers for the bathrooms & continuing to having afternoon and evening activities for all of the children. A Guatemalan school came and presented a program with the youngest children. Volunteers and visitors bring joy to our children I…
One of the children just broke my heart last night and when I am depressed I make radio shows for KAJN. So I have shows all the way through the middle of January, 1917. They have begun tiling the third floor of the dialysis dorm. The teams had…
Old age #4
Yesterday while preaching I felt like I hit a wall. So I simply put shut off my power point and shared from my heart. Four teens came for salvation & later in the afternoon a 5th one came. It is nice when God interferes with our plans &…
Old age #3
What a wonderful blessing as Victor and Jenny Fettes came by with Luis whom they adopted from Casa 6 years ago. They are such a happy and blessed family. Dottie and I feel so proud of what God has done in the lives of some of the children…