Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Being a friend

Up to 4am with 2 heavy burdens. Gabby, Genesis’s sister, age 18, received the report that her kidneys have both shut down. She left Casa 3 years ago to live with her mother. A catheter was inserted & she began hemodialysis. Then Larry & Sue will be leaving…


The Department of Education sent a representative to talk to the school students on the subject of bullying. It is a major problem around the world and Guatemala is no different. Elias in the dialysis house who has been here since his kidney transplant over a year ago…

Brave Heart

Two mornings in a row I slept past 5:30am whereas for months I have been up between 3am & 5am. I cannot write everything here but I was thinking of how many friends have passed away and also how many wonderful people who have helped us over the…

David’s heart

Dottie and I have rested some. In fact she even had a pedicure. So we will be refreshed when we get back to Casa. Someday we will take an extended vacation. Last night Ezdras taught all of the teenage boys "The battle of the mind". Do…

A hard heart

Thanks to all of you who come to help Casa and those of you who support financially & prayerfully. God has been so gracious in combining the Guatemalan staff & the American visitors & I pray that will continue long after I am gone. We need your help.…


Dottie and I have been blessed with 3 days off paid for by some of the staff & children. That is so kind of them. Sebastain and the dialysis team will meet with Dr. Lou which they will now do on a regular basis as we move forward.…

Heart #2

It was a beautiful sunny Sunday and the children just basked in that sun. It is always good to have an uneventful day. Yesterday we said that David DEPENDED on God whereas Saul rushed ahead of God and lived a life of independence. The Christian who does…


In June the wife of the Louisiana governor will host a fundraiser for medical needs at Casa. The staff/visitors here are blessing Dottie & I with hotel time to rest on Monday. The worship team spent a couple of hours with Jim & Adam in the morning and then…

If God Doesn’t…..

Sebastian and Analy had a training session in the city concerning new laws for social workers/psychologists. The paint primer is being applied in the Genesis building and in a month we will begin the tile. The large tree in front of my house and filled with bird’s nest fell.…


Tonight we let the children eat the evening meal in families. Picnic style and they loved it. I wrote 400 Christmas cards & now my back is in such pain. Sorry!


The plumbing is roughed in on all three floors of the Genesis House for dialysis. The walls are painted and look great. The little house being built for the family near us is coming up quickly. We have had a good half-week so far. There was a large…


Last week a teen girl broke her arm and last night a teen boy broke his. He had to be put sleep to set it but no surgery. Our first Sunday for our trip home begins September 11, 9:30am in Patterson, La. so you can begin thinking about our…


I made radio shows for KAJN. Also Josue' and I went to check on the 2016 Christmas card but it was not yet printed. Our block layers will work 2 more days on the house and then 5 will move back to the Genesis construction. The Louisiana teams…

Fear, worry and anxiety

You can start contacting Debbie in Lake Charles about our September trip home. It helps to start early so we can schedule it where we do not have to drive so far between cities. We celebrated the girl's birthdays for April but included today was Dottie, Bob and…


Our Guatemalan bank was purchased by another bank so we are going through those changes. It is going well and the local bank people have been very helpful. Another small team arrived led by Farrel & Ina who were the first people to ever sponsor a child at…

Joy, prayer and thanks

The father & son of the house that burned came to thank us for helping with his school costs. He hugged every girl & prayed for them. It was a special moment for the teens who had given their money. Quique took the university test and feels he…

Who lived/died for who?

It is end of the month so Sebastian and I worked on the monthly report. Gretchen left a few days ago for 3 weeks. Quique is taking his college entrance exam tomorrow. That is hard to believe. I was thinking of Easter and the Resurrection following those…


Sebastian, general director, and his wife took the dialysis children to a movie and dinner. Tim took a few days off. Small groups are arriving so we will do small but important jobs this week. Karen, transplanted, has gotten healthy enough to return to her parents. I am…

Needed Prayer

Last night there was a major anger issue with one of the older boys. Alex called so I went over there & asked Tim to meet me because the boy was violent. After speaking for a while and coming to the end of the matter with all those…

4 categories of concern

Eight of our block layers began work on the new house. Larry finished the water line. We gave the donated money from the girls to the parents for school clothes and books. The mayor sent a load of rocks & many are promising to help purchase supplies. It…