Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Faith or Faithfulness?

Had lunch with George & his son & then shared at Trinity. Chad emailed to say the visiting dentist pulled 45 wisdom teeth. Most of the windows are completed and functioning in the hospital. The electrical power is on!! The blue building (dining area) has new lights as does the…

Shield of Faith

Bubba & Sandra said that their little Antony is bleeding again. That child has experienced so much pain. Please make him a matter of your prayer life. Sebastian informed me we received a family of one girl and 3 boys. He also said he was doing fine. Tim…

The helmit of salvation #2

Brother Todd asked what I was going to do to keep touching churches since I am getting older. Many of the churches who supported us in the past and had us speak at their church no longer do. Pastors move on and pastors die and as I age…

Helmit of Salvation #1

Seeing the folks at Family Life, Brothers Todd and Francis, as well as so many old friends is always a joy and a blessing. The reaction and reception was wonderful. It was our first time at Calvary Baptist in the evening and Brother James was so gracious to us.…

Demons have roles

Dottie & I drove to Lafayette where we had dinner with our daughters, Tanya and Crissy, and our gramdchildren. The stay at Mark & Gina's this week refreshed us tremendously. When Satan came into the garden of evil and destroyed Adam and Eve he has forevermore wanted to…

Do you believe in Satan?

The weather was so cold in Guatemala yesterday that for the first time in 27 years our children had a "snow day". No snow but freezing temperatures. The Zika virus is nowhere in Guatemala. Not one case in the entire country and we are so high up that…

Self pity #4

Brayan has been cleared to go to school. He has been in isolation for two months but was given a clean bill of health today. Genesis had her checkup and her transplanted kidney continues to work at 100%. We began buying vitamins for the next six months. The…


Jesus is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. Second to that was the day that I married Dorothy Ann Buckner. Why God blessed me with this gift of God I will never know. The ride has been bumpy and is not over yet. But I can…

Self pity #3

Tony took us to the airport at 3am & we arrived in Lake Charles at 1:30 in the middle of Mardi Gras. The team had popsicles for the baby dorm pizza for Esperanza Up, Down and Doncillias. A new dentist came from the university & we will now have…

Self Pity #2

An overtime devil! I am leaving Tuesday from Casa at 3am and the banking transfers are out of whack. Pray that we can work between the US bank and our transfers to the Guatemalan bank we have used for years but had been sold. A large team from…

Self pity #1

It is important for you to know that if you are interested in helping as a dorm parent for these 7-8year old boys there is only a small one bedroom apartment for the couple to live in. Sorry! The Americans began installing the windows in the new building.…

Real Need

We have a need for dorm parents for a group of only 9-10 little boys ages 7-8. Pray God will touch someone's heart. The teams from Virginia and Ohio are helping us so much with various projects. Our visitors bless us so much. We began packing today although…

My heart

Bryan is still in isolation after a number of weeks and one of the younger boys had surgery on his nose, throat, etc. I have an even stronger belief that the transgression is going in the right direction. The young people who have assumed the challenges of leadership…


A very difficult day. Sebastian, Tim & I left at 5:15am and the traffic ws horrible causing us to be 35 minutes late for a meeting with the insurance company. (3 hours driving). But they were gracias & saw us late. Then I returned to another bad situation…

Bubba and Sandra

I beg for your prayers when you receive this and over the next few days. Bubba and Sandra's child, Anthony, who has been ill for over 2 years will be having surgery Thursday morning. It has to do with the liver and pancreas. They are both so worried…

February 10, 1963

I am sorry but we will be at CALVARY BAPTIST on February 14th in Lafayette. On February 10, 1963 Dottie & I were married in Crossett, Arkansas . Her father officited and Dottie's stepmother, sister & her husband and my father were the entire congregation. We were…

Forget it

Today was visiting day and I cannot remember any visit where so many family members came. It was great for those who had visits but sad for those who did not have anyone come see them. After church services I spent time on end-of-the-month reports and sent Oscar…

Moving day

Today was moving day for the girls in Barney as they were scattered among 4 other dorms. Diego, scheduled to come here for dialysis, passed away last night. Henry, who had a transplant and lived with his mother, had his kidney stop working. So many children who suffer!…

valuable #2

A proud Papa! Twenty-two years ago a very small and young child arrived. Now Maria 1 is starting her internship this Monday on a pig farm as she is graduating soon in veterinary medicine. Another cold spell rolled is expected in the morning. We received 2 new children…


The first structure I ever built at Casa was the Barney Building. Farrell and I built it for 6 teenage boys thinking that would be plenty. Little did we know! Well, while Dottie and I are in the states this coming month it will be torn down. I…