Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Love brings contentment

The wife of the mayor of Guatemala City is treating all of the children from the baby dorm and the Estrelitas girls to the Children’s Museum. I have the transition plans in place. Pray that everyone will cooperate and get on board. Tim will actually be walking with…

I do not own anything

Sebastian, Lily and I brought the adopted child to his new parents today and he was very happy. There is no doubt this adoption is a good fit for parents and child. Tim came through surgery fine but will be out of pocket for a few weeks. I will…

Story of my life

Tim & Patty were delayed more than 12 hours flying back from Tulsa due to State Department world wide alert & he has surgery Tuesday at noon. I suppose I sound as though I am begging but we have not had any requests to speak in Feb/Mar except…

Love increases

I am prejudiced of course but the folks from my home town have just been wonderful all week. A team from Mississippi arrived who will be helping Chad and Abby this week. Did you realize that love grows? I hope so. Love multiplies and love becomes greater in…

What I Have

I am praying for the second phase of the transition as we move forward this week aiming for changes near January 1st when children change dorms due to age. I have peace about my decisions & I believe that the staff and children will help as this did…


Praise God! We hired a social worker today. Irma Yolanda is 53 years old and a Christian with years of experience so I could not be more pleased. Our men's Bible study & prayer time had the largest attendance to date. It is great! I think that…

Happy or Joyful?

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With all the world upside down in Europe five men were arrested in Honduras with Syrian passports attempting to get into the USA. Spiritual wars need to be fought with prayer. The La. team with Dr Hines is just changing the clinic & making such a difference. Gladys…

The Louisiana team is working so hard as we are getting the trusses ready for the roof of the dialysis unit. In spite of consistent rains the last few months the construction continues. True love is not lukewarm. He is hot and fervent. It will not be indifferent…

What manner of love.

Ezdras is another of our children who preached in the USA this past weekend. Josue' is about to return to the states for 2 weeks and Oscar is there now. He is raising up the next generation. Dottie & I took Rosario to get little suit and small…

I didn’t feel like running

Keren has been here a year since her transplant and the judge is sending her home. The mother says they will do all they can to keep her healthy. Wilbur & Rosario will have a special wedding here on November 29th because she is using the children in…

Do you love your wife/husband?

Last night at the men's Bible time & prayer time Esvin said, "I want to thank God for His blessings since Flor and I started searching God together."  Do you realize how profound that is? When husbands and wives seek God together His presence falls upon their lives.…


Warfare has been declared on the dialysis program. Jose who made the decision to leave at age 18 is having convulsions at his home. The judge is sending Karen back to her parents although her transplanted kidney is not at 90%. Elias’s transplanted kidney is not functioning as…

What I Have I Need

Last night we received a family of four with the youngest 7 months old. The heat rains did not dampen the teenager's enthusiasm at camp this week. Would you believe that today a business similar to Home Depot or Lowes opened in Guatemala? Yesterday Sebastian handed me…

Early Christmas

Add Jessie, Adam & Vilma to Angie, Oscar, Jim & Kate who are rating & visiting in the states. With Larry & Sue leaving next week we will really b shorthanded. We continue to seek the certified social worker we need so desperately. Yesterday we began moving desks,…

Love as fellowship

Today the younger children, under 13, began a 3 day day-camp & the teenagers left for a 3 day camp near Chimaltenango. Pray that the Spirit of God will fall upon both groups and salvation and emotional hearings will be manifested. Jony & Josemaria had a their second…

Conditional or Unconditional

t was a very quiet Sunday as all of the recent activities are behind us. Most of the visitors left this morning. Dottie bought some plants yesterday & planted them this afternoon. There will be 3 day retreat this week for the older teens. We rented a campground…

Offended Love

After a day of high excitement and pressure yesterday with all the activities today has been a day of calm. I want to thank those of you who make everything so special for our children. Some sponsors were able to come & be with their sponsored child through…


Graduation and the presentation of the quinceaneras was done so well. Billy, Albert, Flor and the staff did another great job. It is always so special for the children. At 4pm three children arrived at the gate with bags of clothes. They were here 3 years ago &…