Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Carlos and Leslye

One family that came to Casa 33 years ago was Carlos' family. Today I had the privilege to marry Carlos and Leslye. What a joy to marry your own children that you raised. Carlos, Lesley and me

Dialysis ministry

The government told us they want to send children on dialysis here to Casa but we need to be planning for the money to treat them. I would take as many as we can possibly afford. They have all been so precious and don't deserve to suffer as…

Need a miracle

It is so sad but 3 dialysis boys Keyser, Daniel and Eduardo are all in the hospital. Two of them are very ill. These boys have struggled so much in their short lives that I hope many of you would pray daily for a miracle. Eduardo's sister…

Dottie’s eyes

We left at 5am for Dottie's eye exam. Her cataracts do not have to be removed now and her macular degeneration problem the specialist says will not have to be dealt with for two years. Her cardiologist exam has been moved to April 25th. Our dialysis children were…


Angie who was here for 16 years and left 4 years ago due to family health issues came to visit and is praying she can rejoin the staff in 2025. She is a great teacher. Michelle had an eye exam, and little has changed. Dottie rode with me…

Dina and Nancy

Dina and Nancy with Dottie Dina and Nancy came to church. They arrived at Casa in 1991 staying 10 years and now Dina is a nurse in a cancer clinic and Nancy is head of Rehabilitation in a hospital. I am so proud of them. I have not…

Keyser and Eduardo

I preached on "Sometimes Smart People Do Stupid Things". I am so grateful for mercy and forgiveness. My stupid things are forgiven by Jesus. Dottie is still under bedrest. She has an eye exam Wednesday and her cardiologist on Friday. Michelle has her seizure appointment Tuesday. Also, Keyser…

Two still ill

Our daughter, Michelle, giving a gift to Tony Three of our older boys were invited to play soccer with the San Bartolome club all the way to Solola which is on the lake. They are excited and have never been there so it will be a memorable event.…

On line again

Minor , Tony and Quique set up the school for all the kids to study on line since the government says we still cannot have regular classes due to the fire. I assume Monday things will be normal. The W. Va. team has worked hard and have provided…

Computer problems

A team playing with the teen girls My update did not publish although my computer said that it did. I am so ignorant with computers. A team came for today only to have games with the children. We are still not able to have in school classes due…

The Report

The W. Va. team continues to bless each dorm with meals and games. We picked up the results of Dottie"s medical exams. We do not have another meeting with the cardiologist until Friday, the 19th. The report as I read it is that there is not anything serious.…


Estella's high school class in Tn. One of the 7-year-old boys we just received has cancer. He loves it here. Pray for the child and for us to have wisdom. Be the miracle in his life. Howard Varnado passed away. That means I am the sole survivor of…

Fire in Guatemala City

Dottie and her boys last month. There was a huge fire in the largest Guatemalan dump located in Guatemala City and the smoke was so bad schools, government offices, etc. were closed in our area so the kids were happy. Probably the teachers were happier. Dottie is feeling…

Eleven souls

The West Virginia team bought hot dogs for all the children. They are also installing windows in the baby dorm. I shared my testimony last night. Dottie continues to rest and will have more tests this week. She has rested well and has little discomfort. Praise God Eleven…

Pray for Dottie

Baby dorm and teachers praising the Lord. Today is Saturday but Dottie cannot work in her garden due to her lack of strength in her legs. This is a woman who has been a workaholic and loves her flowers. She has not been sleeping well. Dottie is so…


I began separating the thousands of books so as when we move, we can get those done rapidly. Dottie had her appointment with the cardiologist, and she needs a Doppler test to see if the blood is flowing throughout her body to the heart and brain. So it…

Tatiana’s examinations

Dottie is wearing the heart monitor and still trying to move normally. The bathroom and showers in Esperanza are both finished and being used as I speak. Oscar and Tatiana have taken us to all of Dottie's appointments. Tatiana passed her written and then orals and is now…

Heart monitor

My sister Charlotte Sweet Jesus! When I heard that the Biden administration had proclaimed Easter Sunday as transgender day it was so sickening to my stomach. What is happening to the America that I grew up in? The most important day in a Christian's life is turned into…

Hard day today

This week is a week of prayer in the school. Tuesday was rough as it was my sister’s funeral and I was unable to attend. I miss her! The children were so blessed with last weeks' activities. Many went to see the Passion of the Christ. All went…

Back to normal

The children were so blessed with last weeks' activities. Many went to see the Passion of the Christ. All went swimming, had pizza and chicken. We were blessed by the visitors. Had a moving vigil with many souls touched. But more than anything the Lord sent us several…