Mike Clark's Daily Blog
Love and Obedience
3Dottie & I bought the flowers & this afternoon the girls made their bouquets for tomorrow. These are the Sunday mornings where we will be in February & March. You can see where we are near to & call Debbie for the Sunday evenings and Wednesdays. Feb 14th…
Failure is inevitable
Dr Miguel will do a biopsy but the MRI was not conclusive. Continue to pray for Keiser. Hazel Rueff who was in the original 4 who began Mission Fiesta & has come to Casa for 15 years to celebrate birthdays with ALL of the children passed away. She was…
What you give is what you get
Marjorie is back in the hospital having trouble breathing. Keiser had his MRI on the tumor & we will learn something tomorrow. Patty bought skirts for me to give to the older girls. Some older boys are selling scrap metal to provide a party for one of the…
Peace of Conscience
For the first time in many mont months we had trouble with the well. But it is running now. It is an electrical problem. Dottie had 36 for lunch today. It was the first Sunday of the month & that is birthday Sunday. The average person has…
Our Face
I want everyone on my mailing list to understand that I never give children from Casa permission to contact sponsors or friends in the USA and ask for money for ANY reason. Please forgive me if you received a call or email or face book asking to help…
Victor, one of the school directors, came to thank me for the 7 years he worked here. He was not qualified to take a higher position & so he is leaving. He was the man that held the school together spiritually & I am certain he will influence…
Lover or Worker
Incredible young people! Sarah & Patty are sorting all the clothes for Christmas. Josue' is purchasing all the pants for the older boys. The band heeded by Oscar & Billy are buying school pants for all high school boys with their own money. Gladys & the older girls…
Incredible young people! Sara & Patty are doing the clothes. Josue’ is getting pants for all the boys. The older girls are paying for & preparing 2 banquets. Oscar & Billy are buying school pants for all the high school. Chad & Abby are getting the gifts for…
A Tumor
One of the younger boys has a tumor on his arm bone. We will not know how serious it is until we have an MRI but you can pray now that it is benign. Gretchen let this morning but has made a decision to come back for one…
Our new President
The comedian, Jimmy Morales, was elected President of Guatemala with 68.5% of the vote. We are getting serious about Christmas & everyone is being helpful. We are hiring an accountant for 6 months to train Dorcas to take Sebastian’s position. So another transition step! Sorry but I am…
He has a way
When I feel as though I failed (Jose') God has a way of boosting me up. Lorena with her husband came to dedicate their son, Diego. Married 3 years & both working good jobs makes me proud knowing where they came from. The success stories sustain me. Our…
True Love Gives
A church group came & ministered with games, the Word, etc. for three dorms. There are now 71 children in the baby dorm. We received two new children. The men's Bible study & prayer time has grown & it is truly a blessing. Kevin & Mynor went to…
It was difficult to sleep because my mind continues to think of Jose'. A few folks e-mailed me asking about his salvation. Actually Sunday, 3 days before leaving, he came my room & asked to pray because he wanted assurance of heaven when he died. So he knew…
Mercy Rejected
The rains and weather have slowed down the work on the dialysis dorm. Our teen boys volunteered to move 1000 blocks to the third floor. There was a break in the weather yesterday that allowed the block layers to work a few hours. Jose', in dialysis, turned 18 &…
They are a blessing
The 13 quinceaneras we took to the hotel were so obedient & just enjoyed themselves so much. Having Gladys with us was a real help as always. She watched over Wendy (dialysis) & helped monitor the girls in the evenings. We submitted more paper work today for our…
The rains are brutal & not slowing down. Landsides have occurred from Antigua to San Lucas only a mile from us and Panajachel near Solola. Major flooding is taking place in many areas. All public schools all are closed for the week. Karen's kidney is back at 90%…
Enemies #2
The rains through the night & all day were torrential. Farmers in the Eastern regions of Guatemala have lost their crops. That means they have lost their family income. Taking the girls to the hotel was not an easy trip but it did not 'dampen' their enthusiasm. Wendy,…
As soon as you read this pray for Onesy as she will have surgery on her throat Monday as will Francisco for his cleft lip. This will change their lives forever. The last two Sundays I have really poured my heart into the two sermons but it seems…
death toll
Jessie took Kelly to buy her quinceanera gown. Dottie & I worked in the Christmas bodega because the rain today prevented her from working in her garden. 271 bodies have been recovered from the mudslide & the search for the other 200 missing has ceased. I…
Karen's transplanted kidney has been functioning at 95% but yesterday in her examination it was discovered working at 65%. They believe it is a water intake problem. Pray that is all it is. Dottie had the quinceaneras choose their gowns. I worked in the Christmas bodega & then…