Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog


Angelica's grandfather passed away so we sent her to her village for the funeral. Marilyn was robbed of her purse & school books on a bus going to the university. We have begun buying the extra food, paying college tuitions in advance and getting pay books in order…

Love must be real

This morning before the court hearing and the memorial I received this: "love to be real,it must cost-it must hurt-it must empty us of self". These are the words of Mother Teresa. We received 2 new little girls (7 & 8 years old) yesterday. Analy as awarded her…

A pleasant surprise

We were informed today that the latest university in Guatemala will be opening an extension right here in San Bartolome' less than 2 miles from my front gate. Alelua!! There was a drug bust 12 miles from Casa and those arrested included 8 policemen and 5 civilians. Even…


Last night we had 3 major crisis. First a boy under psychiatric care attacked me but Alex was near. He had been spitting out his daily medicine. Second, Luis in dialysis, went berserk because his mother did not visit & actually tried to pull out his catheter. Third,…

If I am your Father

A gang member was treated at a local hospital here & when released he said to the doctor “I cannot pay you in cash but is there anyone you want dead?” Aura’s boyfriend is of another religion & today he came to talk about salvation & making the…

Life is not Always Fair

Dina & Nancy came to see me with a belated birthday gift. Dina is a nurse in a cancer hospital while Nancy is a nurse in another hospital. I am so proud of them. All the teams have left & soon only 4 lonely visitors will…

What is real terrorism?

Antony had another surgery for the varicose veins in his esophagus & stomach. He recovered from surgery last night extremely fast & was playing within an hour so this one was much easier on his body. The school had a Christian program this morning. Billy & Ezdras along…

If I could change #3

Physical therapy today was the best of the 7 sessions so far. But I can tell that I have a long way to go. The physical therapy I am going through has made me slow down. In fact, I even asked myself what would happen if I…

if I could change

Seven teams are here & some California folks visited as did some Alabama folks yesterday. It is amazing how much has been done this summer. It is incredible. God has blessed us so much. Because of demonstrations in the city we were unable to get to a couple…

If I could change……

Yesterday the courts came and took 4 children with mental issues and transferred them to a home where they could handle this type of child(sexually active & abusive due to how they were treated by their parents). They also brought us 6 children and then today they brought…


I finished the financial and regular reports for the month of July. Dottie had a small medical procedure. Lorena finally, after 4 months, had her cast taken off of her leg. . We currently have 8 teams from S. Carolina, California, Texas(2), Arkansas(2), Washington and Pennsylvania. …

Life and Death

A peaceful Sunday! However, Luis in dialysis needs a miracle so please pray. The Word tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. Words are powerful. We even know of teenagers who have been bullied, criticized or made fun of who took their…

Pride of Life

We finished July as probably the most difficult month in our 27 years but God has been faithful. The teams helped us emotionally as well as physically so we are grateful to them. We continue to have teams for another month so we know God will use them…

Lust of the Eyes

This has been a hard month but it has also been a month of blessings. More children were saved in July than any other month in the last 2 years. Yesterday we spoke of the lust of the flesh & today we want to share that what…

3 lusts

I am speaking Friday at the mission house of Brother Teddie over in Chimaltenango. We are truly blessed as he current teams have plumbers and carpenters so they are going full blast at finishing cabinets for Adam's dorm as well as installing the plumbing in the men's restroom…

Give until it hurts?

This is my 3rd day of physical therapy & I know it must be working because it hurts so much. No pain, no gain! Our older girls played a soccer game tonight against a team from San Bartolome' & just played like soccer should be played. Teamwork! …

Pastor Carlos

Dottie & I met with Pastor Carlos in Chimaltenango whom we have known for 25 years. He will help me with the memorial service for Ani. Then I met with Ani's mother. We met with an insurance company as we attempt to get the correct liability coverage for…

Belated birthday

Josue' & Oscar took me to lunch for my birthday since I did not want anything done following the accident. They even got me a baby piñata. Oscar received his "stamp" which indicates he is a professional architect & capable of working anywhere he desires. Have you blown it?…


Luis G broke his wrist playing soccer. There are 114 Americans here so we should be able to get a lot accomplished this week. Today 3 different young men from visiting teams came at separate times to ask me about how to know what to do with their…

Another tragedy

A few years ago Juan Jose' left Casa and early this morning he was shot through the heart & killed a few miles from here in Chimaltenango. He is the brother of Gerson. The groups helped us by providing  a "Carnival" for the younger children then games for…