Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Ani Passed Away

No one should ever bury their child. Ani was an assistant dorm parent with the little girls & said, "The reason I am at Casa is to love the little girls the way I was never loved". Her siblings are crushed as is her mother who did come…


Ani had the stomach & bladder surgery but will need more surgeries as soon as possible. She is not well but she will live. Sunday I taught on “Can you know that you are saved?” That evening Ani asked Dwight some questions & he took her through to…

Trust in the Lord

This is the most difficult thing I have ever had to write. Dwight & Betty Walker came here when Adam & Vilma went to the states so they could care for the dorm. They have been telling me of their plans to return permanently. Yesterday while Dwight was…

Responsibility #2

Josue' went to dedicate a church for me in Quiche. He relishes the job of speaking on my behalf. His father, Jose', dedicated another one since I just cannot drive that far on those roads. I started getting the first semester grades from university & there were more…


Six months ago one of the boys who had lived here was released from prison. He had attacked a boy here & when sent to another home he attacked a teenage boy there also. So to prison he went for 2 1/2 years. Since getting out he has…

Contentment is Joy

I am so proud of Jeny. She begins her internship at a hospital in Santa Rosa for the next 6 months and then will graduate in physical therapy. She has had a rough number of years here as her brother was killed by a gang & her two…


Last night the courts sent 3 sisters the oldest of which is 12 years old & has a baby. So we have her 11 month old son also. Elias, Marjorie & Keiser, dialysis, were hospitalized. A team from Fayetteville, Ar. arrived who will present vacation Bible school for…


Yesterday we received an 11 year old and a 15 year old girl; today a 12 year old came and tonight 3 children, ages 3, 4 & 7 arrived. They had an 8 month old sister that was bitten by rats & died YESTERDAY. Two brothers, ages 10…


This morning another of my high school classmates passed away. Harvey "Butch" Allums lived on a large sugar cane plantation & we spent so much time there together in our childhood & youth. May God bless and comfort his family! Dwight & Betty feel the call to Casa.…


Happy surprise! Felix who left Casa 19 years ago, served in Afghanistan, was wounded and now is engaged & living in South Dakota & in college after 10 years in the US Army came to see Dottie & me. Last night we received a 10 year old boy.…


Jose' finally returned from the hospital but Keiser was admitted into the hospital last night. Josue' & Estella left for home in Jackson, Tn. It is remarkable that the story I have told more than any other of the  family with 4 children & their remarkable adventure now…

Chad and Abby

Sebastian, Billy & I spoke with Flor & Alber who are responsible for the elementary school & the high school respectfully about what we will be doing in 2016 as part of the transition. Chad & Abby will go to the states for a month so they leave…


Chris & Heidy are here from Oklahoma & she will do root canals this week on a couple of kids. A dental team is here but will go out to villages everyday to work. Tim & Patty are taking the week off to relax. I made radio shows…

Compassionate relationships

Our daughter, Crissy, and grandson, Ozzie, left for Houston this morning. They were here 3 weeks & that was the best Father's Day gift I could have received. Tanya, other daughter, and my grand children are still here for another week. Compassion is not passive. It is active.…

8 years later

Eight years after proposing marriage and being accepted by Flor, Edvin finally went through with it and the civil marriage was performed by the mayor here at Casa in front of all of the children and visitors. It is never too late. And it was beautiful!! Laura finished…


We finished the cleaning & organizing of my books. One team went out to a block party. We will be in Sylacauga, Al on Sunday, September 27th & are free to minister that evening. A person with a faithful heart is not double minded. He is steadfast,…

Faithful Heart 2

The biopsy on Karen's kidney was not difficult but we have to wait until Monday for the results. The team helped lean my bookshelves and rearrange thousands of books & hundreds of photographs. I gave our testimony to the 3 teams visiting this week. Not only is…

The Faithful heart

Karen had a kidney biopsy today to determine if the transplant is functioning. The Woodlands women prayed for Dottie & me & then gave us a beautiful embroidery of the prayer they prayed. A Guatemalan physician donated today and tomorrow to examine the younger children so that is a…

A Contented Heart

I had the necessary exams & all is well. The medicine in my system evidently is gone & I feel like a sprightly 60 year old. Thanks for praying for me. The lights went out last night when the "The Woodlands " team was ministering in the…

Contented heart

I felt so week this morning but what I had to teach was what I knew God wanted me to  do. So I shared first in Spanish with the children & then with the visitors in English in a second teaching. Returning to my house I immediately was…