Mike Clark's Daily Blog
My weak faith
We received 2 new little boys. Last year we were given money generously to construct acritica care unit for dialysis. That construction is going well. Those who receive the newsletter are those who are givers to Casa. I need to share my heart because for the 2nd time in…
The cost of dialysis has gone up due to the new children. The money given for dialysis since September was for construction of the hospital. We ask you to pray for an increase in funds for medication, etc. I know that this is an attack by Satan to try…
Our idols
I sent 4 teenagers to the blood bank at 4am because Bubba & Elizabeth's child, Antony, needed emergency surgery.It appears something is eating the inner lining of his stomach. Elias had a biopsy on the donated kidney & decisions will be based on those results. The rains have begun.…
I am the Lord thy God: No others
Last night Josueâ & some other children bought Dottie a cake & came to sing âHappy Birthdayâ which helped her emotionally. Tony brought her a special large cupcake. Tim paid for the prefab floor that is the roof of the ground floor for the hospital. The new 12…
Right & Wrong?
We were at the rental car return at 3am. We were early & had time to rest when they announced our flight was canceled. It took 30 minutes to re-ticket & transfer our luggage. The flight left 70 minutes after the original flight so we landed in Houston,…
Today is Dottieâs birthday. So for a few months I am married to an older woman. Last year on her birthday I had back surgery. Twice in the last 5 years we were robbed at gunpoint on her birthday. Tim wrote the following âAgustin was playing soccer and…
Morally weak nation
The Lord has already blessed us with the x-ray equipment as two children suffered broken bones & were x-rayed at Casa and then taken to the hospital x-rays in hand. Dottie and I loved Helen so it was a hard funeral emotionally. After I ministered Dottie spoke to…
The funeral for Dottie's wiser, Helen, was a celebration of the life of a sweet Christian. After I minstered Dottie spoke sweetly and powerfully followed by one granddaughter who shared a poem that she had written to her grandmother. Sebastian and Tim met with Eddy who was on…
The longest day
Tony took us to the airport at 3am and when we arrived in Houston the weather was so bad in Dallas that we finally were able to fly & arrive there at 6pm. The storm was incredible (65 mph winds) but we were able to rent a car…
The greatest enemy of America
The two teams (x-ray and telemedicine) are getting so much achieved. It is a shame I have to leave. The x-ray is a digital machine and can be sent immediately via computer to any physician in the world. Immediately a little girl hurt her finger & the X-ray…
Dottie's sister, Helen died today, and yesterday Helen's husband passed away. How incredibly hard this must be on their children and grandchildren. We will go to Clebourne, Texas and I have the privilege of performng the services. Helen was a special person in our lives. Today Dr. Hines…
Dottie was asked by Ezdras to minister to the teenage boys teaching about male/female relationships in the eyes of God. She will share what a girl needs. We can only pray that some will grasp it and make good decisions. Tim has some feeling in his hand and…
Dottie & I will be at Patterson, La Word of Life 9:30am on September 13th & the following Sunday am at Fayette Baptist in Summerville, Tn & that evening at Colliersville First Baptist (Tn). Everything else is open so let us know if you want us. Two more…
A weapon
Early this morning the police brought a little Indian girl who was being abused by her mother pouring hot sauce & chili pepper juice in her eyes. 5011 children to date! Last night,Diego, who was sent home by the judge returned after being treated as he had before…
The surgery on Oscar's knee was successful. The ACL was not torn so only damaged cartilage had to be removed. Tim took him to the hospital although Tim himself appears to have a nerve tear in his shoulder. I wish that I could tell you that I never…
How He loves us
Tim & Bob had car trouble and Tim hurt his shoulder trying to repair it so they were much later arriving back at Casa from their excursion to Louisiana. We will have 17 quinceaneras (girls celebrating their 15th birthdays) this year. The 700 Club spent 3 hours here today…
Sad and do not know why
A teenager told the school administrator that another teen had run away. We sent everyone in every direction. When I walked behind my house she was sitting there waiting for me. She said that she was sad and did not know why. I asked her questions and she…
The Anvil
I had a calm day of walking, listening to sermons and studying. We did receive 3 new small children. The story is told of a young boy, age 12, who lived on a farm in the early 1800s. His father took him to the nearby village for…
Giving thanks
I had to have a toe nail removed and the medicine they gave me combined with the medication for my spine has put me on an all time high. Not a good high! A sleepy high! I feel drugged and listless. Bob & Tim began their return trip…
Do or don’t
Tim met with Debbie in Lake Charles concerning the web site. Bob will pass by there Tuesday & they will head for Guatemala. Adam & Vilma leave this morning for the USA for 4 months so their baby will be born in a foreign country (Alabama). So many…