Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog


Baby dorm singing We celebrated The Resurrection of Jesus with Holy Communion and then a prayer over every dorm. The Lord's Supper is a remembrance of Jesus death where He paid for our sins. The boys living in my house cooked Easter lunch as Dottie is still resting…


Daughter-in-law Lily with my grandchildren. Arya and Robbie. The vigil ended at 2am in the morning but it was wonderful to see the joy in the children as they performed and encouraged others. Everything was good but some college students gave their testimonies and that was the high…


Our daughter, Michelle with her best friend. It was such a peaceful day as the children were preparing for their participation in the vigil. Some of the older kids will go visit family after the vigil. It was very special tonight. We prayed for Keyser and Eduardo…


Picnic Dottie's exams showed that she did not have a heart attack, but she does have a cardio issue, so we have an appointment next week with a cardiologist. She and I would appreciate your prayers. Jessica brought a team from The Woodlands. I spoke with my other…

Needed prayer

Summertime is here My sister Charlotte passed away Wednesday about 10:30am. I loved her so much. She was 15 months younger than me so we were very close as kids and went to the same university. She did visit Casa. We are heading towards a great weekend. Tonight,…

Kids, Kids, Kids

Dodge ball and basket ball on Summer day games Alleluia! The police brought children ages 2, 4, 6 and 14. This does not include the five I told you about yesterday. They arrived late last night. We have not experienced growth like this since Covid. I wish Dottie…

God keeps blessing

This will be another very busy and happy week for the children. There will be a day of carnival type games as well as some also going swimming. Then Friday we will have a vigil where every dorm will perform something for the Lord. I will teach on…

Problem yesterday

24th: Last evening we received brothers 7 and 11 years old and their sister 8 years old. Gladys took them to the church with the other children so that was a great welcoming for them to Casa. Many of our children went forward for prayer. 25th: Yesterdays report…

Presidential Palace

I love Dottie more everyday. Yesterday the 7th through 12th grades spent the day at the Presidential Palace. I n the evening 4 younger dorms, Cometas, Vencedores, Dialysis and Esperanza, went to Frataromega church to see the film, The Live of Christ. We received an 8-year-old boy Brenda…


Charles Rogers is the man who invited me to Guatemala in 1988. The police take the Easter holidays to set up roadblocks to collect money. Heidy was caught in one that caused them to go 10 miles out of the way to get to the city. The children…


The baby dorm went to a child water park with the workers. Oscar and I went to the Guatemalan embassy to pay the fees for Dottie and my passports. Foreign Residents of Guatemala pay these fees or they cannot leave the country. This is how I want to…

My sister

Me, Charlotte and Virginia My sister, Charlotte, who is a year younger than I is very ill but I was blessed to be able to reach her by phone although she is so weak it was difficult for her to speak to me. Please keep her as a…

Incredible work

It is now finished and beautiful. Incredibly Tim and the 2 weeks of workers who worked on Esperanza bathrooms upstairs and down will finish them completely today. They have worked so hard and still had time to preach, show the Jesus film and share Christ with the children.…


Sara Ortiz I am paying the price for stripping the shelves and packing 8 boxes to be moved to the new house. In fact, my back hurt so much I asked Tim D. to preach in my place. I am too old to have done so much. Today…


I started early this morning packing up over 30 years and the amount of memorable and items given to us by the children is grand in scope. It will take a couple of months to sort it out. Of course the memories are overwhelming. Today was the hardest…

Tim’s team is moving quickly

Courts called and want to send us another baby. That would be 5 babies in 4 weeks. Keep praying for more favor. My afternoon Bible class has hungry teens in it. Tim showed a Christian film to Cometas. Quique led his first person to the Lord. Two homes…

Continued construction

Aroldo picked up the passports and now we must pay two fees to leave the country. We are not planning on leaving anytime soon. But for an old man the new passports are very confusing. Tim D. and group are working so hard on the bathrooms in Esperanza.…


We received a brother and sister from a home that is closing. Keep praying that God will build our population. The Tn. team climbed the volcano and then served dinner to the older boys. Later in the day we received a young girl. Hope this trend continues. The…

New Children

We received 2 new boys. There is construction everywhere as renovation on our new house. new bathrooms up and down for Esperanza and the repainting of our outside walls. There is painting taking place in Estrellitas. Our new passports are ready, but it requires more time to go…


Eduardo is happy to be back Amy White arrived for an extended time to help relieve dorm parents. Yesterday, the Indiana team served chicken dinner to Buen Pastor, University boys and the boys in my house. The Tn. team had crafts for all of Esperanza. Eduardo in dialysis…