Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Forgiveness and Mercy #2

We left Marlin & Analy in charge of our home carrying for the boys as well as Michelle while we are away. Josue’, who was adopted to the USA, has returned to Guatemala to work and attend college spent the weekend with us. He asked me to disciple…

Forgiveness and Mercy #1

Ed left for California early this morning. Dottie and I took off for a few days of R&R. To me mercy and forgiveness are so very close. They are nearly identical twins. The greatest gift of God to us is forgiveness of our sins and this…

The Boomerang Beatitude #5

All Dottie ever wants for Christmas is that I take her away for a few days so that she can rest. We had been asked to make a film on Casa from Saturday through Wednesday so this year she would not have her gift. But early Saturday…

The Boomerang Beatitude #4

Would you believe that the main newspaper in Guatemala, La Prensa, had as their main headline "Ten New Cases of Kidney Disease Every Day In Guatemala". Incredible isn't it? The Doncilla's girls went to the African Safari with GiGi, Olga and Billy today. They left at 7am…

The Boomerang Beatitude #3

Abby did come home about 8pm Christmas Eve. Tim has a brace on his leg. Dottie is suffering from extreme weakness. So we are all glad that we have all of the Christmas activities behind us. A tradition in Guatemala is to eat tamales and drink a hot…

THe Boomerang Beatitude #2

Chad had to take Abby to the hospital early as she was vomiting non-stop. The baby's heartbeat is fine. She needed IV's and stayed all day but was able to return in the evening.. Dottie woke up ill also. This just shows you the stress of Christmas when…

The Boomerang Beatitude #1

Tim has a ruptured patellar tendon so he will be on a slow trajectory of recovery for awhile. I did not share this because he asked me not too. But my younger son was told he had either lung cancer or TB. After weeks of exams all results…


The boys in my house along with 4 of the college girls began at 6am putting out the Christmas gifts. By 9:20am we had given the hits to the four younger dorms and the dialysis children. Then it was time to begin cooking for the older boy's meal.…


Today the Lord had me change my sermon as we were praising and worshippping the Lord. It was very short but more than 20 teenagers got saved. Estella & Andres came to help for the two meals. Estella always has made the gelatin and wants to continue the…

A Faithful Servant #5

Vick was able to do so much electrical labor for us in the school, baby dorm & addition. I loaded him down with mail to post for me when he gets home so he had no rest. Larry & Sue took care of him. They are from the…

A Faithful Man

A medical group came from Guatemala City at the urging of a Guatemalan business man from San Lucas which is near to Casa. He met some of the children and wanted to do something for them so they brought medicines. Saturday is Parent's Day so a number of…


Tim asked that I inform you that the new Micasa login and the child search are working and should you have a question or problem contact him at Minor, Laura and Tony helped Dottie and me divide the gifts to be given to the girls in Estrellitas…

A Faithful Sevant #3

Today Karen, who has had a kidney transplant, went to court & her family has added and addition to their little house which is tiled floors and walls. It is possible tha she may return home in February. Wouldn't that be wonderful? Her sister is the one who…

A Faithful Servant #1

Chad & Abby are building playground equipment for the baby dorm as their gift to the children for Christmas. I began making radio shows and need to make a total of 24 weeks worth of lessons to carry with me in February when we return to the states.…


Josue' did not make it in last night as his plane was grounded. But the airline paid him $800 towards another ticket & put him up in a hotel so he really suffered! But he has been given more responsibilities with Telemedicine so he continues to…

Cain and Abel

Josue' returned from his 3 weeks working with the Telemedicine team in Georgia. Elias, age 11, had a transplant & will come to Casa in February. When asked how he felt he answered "I can pee and it doesn't hurt." He is the very first kidney transplant patient…

Preaching Peace

Each child will receive a bag of candy for Christmas so you can imagine how many cases of cookies, chocolates, peppermint, etc it takes to make over 400 large bags of candies. It takes 15 kids helping me all afternoon. Dottie had her exams and will require a…


The house parents have been doing an excellant job of trying to keep all of the kids busy. Vacation time can be boring so a number of different games & competitions are being organized. I took some old kids with me & we sorted things for Christmas. I…


Gladys & I were tied up with a court hearing for hours today. Dottie and Abby went for a medical exam since Abby is pregnant. Dottie is not. Then Alex, Sarah, Gladys and I measured every child for a new pair of tennis shoes. Lee's mother is…


I spent 6 hours studying the Book of Hosea as in a few weeks we will begin studying it in our seminary. Brother Teddie, #1 Alabama fan on earth, invited the American staff for a turkey dinner in Chimaltenango. Lee fixed me dinner. Marjorie is back in…