Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Roses have thorns #3

I made two mistakes on my schedule.  On the 18th we will be at Calvary Baptist in Fayette, Alabamaat 6pm not in Pennsylvania and the name of the church in Rockingham, NC is Roberdel Baptist on Feb 2th at 7pm. Sorry about that. On Sunday night March…

Roses have thorns #2

Dottie invited six of the older girls who are having their birthdays thi week to eat lunch with us & share ice cream & cake. She tries to make things special for them. Also Flor cooked a punch with various fruits & served ALL of the children. It…

Roses have thorns

Turkey is the order of the day. Dottie along with the help of other staff will bake over 30 turkeys over the next 2 weeks. We continue to work on Christmas with normal gifts like soccer balls & bath towels. Dottie has always loved roses…

I Believe in You!

We went to the market in Antigua and purches shoes and jackets for the dialysis girls. That was their request for Christmas. So we put up a tree for them also. We had the monthly vigilia tonight & that is always important to the children as they can…


This is our Feb/March schedule: Sunday Feb 15  Family Life in Lafayette, La in AM Sunday Feb 15 at Abundant Life in Marksville, La  6pm Wednesday Feb 18 Huntingdon Presbyterian in Huntingdon Pa in PM Sunday Feb 22  The Praising Place in Charlotte NC in AM Sunday…


Alex has had a difficult time with the older boys but he has done a great job of reining them in. I am proud of he and Sarah. The change with Jim & Kate has been a blessing for the Esperanza down girls and with Adam &…

Rejection #5

Add Huntingdon. Pa. Presbyterian on Wednesday, Feb. 18th. On Wednesday, Feb. 25th we will be at 1st Baptist in Rockingham, NC and sandwiched in between is Sunday, Feb. 22 when we will be at The Praising Place in Charlotte, Nc. Dottie is so kind. She spent nearly the…

Rejection #4

Believe it or not we finished 98% of the Christmas shopping. Things we bought we will now wrap & some things will be iced up on December 20th. This will help with the stress. Dottie & I will be at The Praising Place in Charlotte, NC on…

Rejection #3

I preached on Knowing Who We Are which I felt was a great lesson but I hurt so badly standing that I could not think straight. I really flubbed it & I wanted the children to see what is their Identity & Destiny in Jesus. Sunday, February…

Rejection #2

I had a fairly good day. Blood pressure stays high, body stays weak and my mind--well you know! I stayed in the Christmas bodega & made good progress. It will be better than I originally thought. From my email responses today to last night's lesson I…

Rejection #1

We received two new children Seven of our children were honored with a meal at the Chinese Embassy for their artistic abilities. You have been rejected and I have been rejected. Everyone at some time in their life will feel the sting of rejection. Many babies…

Our purpose #2

Sharon is no longer here and she will be missed. It appears she found a fella & has moved to the West. We wish her the best & since she plans on bringing teams we will see her each year. Thanksgiving dinner was a success. With Chad &…

Our Purpose #1

Billy & I went to the bank to open an account for the paying of end-of-the-year extra salaries. Then I was on my way to Barcenas when a tree fell across the highway due to very high winds. So I was stuck for a while before it…

Long before

Praise God! The jackhammers are doing their job and the laborers have begun digging the footings for the hospital. Dottie & I purchased what we will need for the 2 meals for the teenagers. The girls will serve the boys a turkey dinner and then the boys will…


I had much to do in the morning so Tony took dottie to do things we needed to get done in the city. In the afternoon we shopped for Christmas. We are getting close to finishing the gift buying and the team here from Charlotte helped wrap gifts…

Judas kiss #5

Tim, Larry, Adam and Bob worked on the water line on the visitor dorm's addition while the children were in Bible and were able to get it installed and covered up by the time the services were finished. We have looked at David/Bathsheba and Rebekah/Isaac and…

Judas kiss #4

A team from Praising Place in Charlotte, NC is here. Josue' leaves for the states for 3 weeks with Telemedicine so today he & I shopped for items for the teenage boys. Larry & Sue had a going away dinner for Sharon. Continuing with the these…

Judas kiss #3

The surgery today was not positive as one screw had to be removed from Roxie's foot. It will take longer to heal. She cannot walk for a minimum of 6 weeks. They will still leave for Lake Charles on Sunday. The older girls in Doncillas attend a…

Judas kiss #2

One of our new girls was taken to court yesterday to give testimony of sexual abuse. Her father had abused her & when discovered he made the girl say it was a teacher in her school. The teacher was tried and sent to prison. But she…

Judas Kiss #1

Roxie, my granddaughter, is now walking well. Her mother, Tanya, flew in last night and they will return to Louisiana on Sunday. Chad and Abby want to buy playground equipment for the baby dorm. Tim is trying to raise money to purchase 500 new chairs for the multipurpose…