Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Kids being blessed

Our new pediatrician Tim’s team is doing an awesome job as they are totally rebuilding both the upstairs and downstairs bathrooms in Esperanza. The Tn. team is painting murals on the entrance to Casa. They had ice cream for the Vencedores and Buen Pastor boys following a football…

Still getting saved

Oscasr and Selvin working with Dottie One girl who came to Casa in 1994 and was raised here came to our church service with her husband and children and received Jesus as Lord. That blesses me because I pray that the children raised here & leave unsaved will…

Angelina left today after 35 years

The Tn. team are repainting our entrance way. It will be beautiful. Tim´s team is going strong on the showers in Esperanza. There is a huge crew working on the new house for Dottie and me so she doesn´t have to walk upstairs. After 35 years Angelina (1st…

Lesson for parents

Oscar and I taking a break Tim Doud´s team arrived. They will be working on the bathrooms in Esperanza. A number of folks emailed to say they are praying about our finances, and we are so appreciative. We had parent´s visit and our psychologists and social workers had…

Another youth team

No one is blessed as we are Igave my testimony to the Texas group. They were so quiet and respectful. Work on the old dialysis house is coming along. They are building ramps so Dottie can walk better Estella arrived today with a team from her school where…

I need your help

Lilian(raised here) with husband, Estuardo, and children I have never written a letter like this in 35 years. Due to the pandemic, we have not been able to go to the USA and speak in churches. Inflation, the government requiring we must have 5 social workers, 5 psychologists,…


Keyser´s Home(no, water, no bathroom, no sewer lines, dirt floor) The children are studying for the first trimester exams. Tim Doud´s group is going to arrive in small groups. They will be working on the showers for both up & bathrooms in Esperanza. Angelina was our first girl…

Ketser´s needs

Keyser´s family has walls 6´high, water once a month, dirt floor, no sanitation and the list continues. If you want to help, just send us an offering marked ¨Keyser¨. A team from Texas arrived today. We did not have water in our house, so it took 5 of…

8 month old

Daughter in law and my grandkids We received an 8-month-old last night. One of the older boys broke his arm in the dancing competition. That is serious dancing. My sister in Opelousas is not doing well & needs our prayers. I haven´t seen her in nearly a year.…

Aroldo and Gladys

Very difficult news today as Keyser is turning 18 this year and the courts want to send him home. His kidney is functioning at 50%. His transplant is losing strength. Due to his age, he can no longer be treated by Dr. Lou. Another thing is that Keyser…

Michelle´s exam

Washing our feet at the anniversary service As we begin another month I must give thanks to the Lord for the children and staff as with all the changes everyone is trying so hard to make things work well. The results of Michelle´s examination was not too bad.…

Michelle´s exam

Adela and Tatiana left at 4am to take Michelle for an examination due to her eyesight growing weaker and her seizures getting more frequent and stronger. I pray for Michelle and the dialysis patients because Christ is the great physician. There is no disease He cannot heal; no…

Banking problem

A harrowing day. I was locked out of my bank account, and we must pay salaries, college tuition as well as our normal bills. Mike F. could not transfer funds from the USA. I It took a couple of hours, but we were able to fix it. Praise…

I am so tired

I got up exercised, prepared my Sunday sermon, read my Bible, taught my BIble class, and then laid down as I have not slept well the last two nights. Some of our office staff in the jungles


Jim took another group of teens to the Concert this morning. I preached on the abundances of God such as an abundance of grace, mercy, abundant life, peace, joy, goodness, and prayers answered abundantly. We dedicated two babies of Karina and Keny. Both girls were raised here. Lilian…


Our office staff, psychologists, social workers, medical staff, and dialysis left Friday night and drove to Coban for the weekend. It is about a 10-hour drive to the Mayan pyramids. The two teams spent the weekend playing and blessing the children. Jim took some teens to a concert…


Michelle, special child, is 30 years old The Maryland team went on an outreach. They then had a special time with the older girls and boys in the evening. They have worked hard. I have radio teachings on KAJN until August 2025. Dottie and I drove downtown on…

Thank you

Estella and jessica with Dottie and I. I want to thank all of you who financially support Casa. The Lord blessed us and we have continued to have support through all the covid years etc. Today we were asked to receive three sisters ages 3, 5 and 7…

Problems yesterday

Happy anniversary I cried so the baby would stop crying. The following is a repeat from yesterday that did not publish. Our boys were playing soccer, and the Maryland team went to watch and one of the players had a heart attack and died. Three members of the…


We are so blessed I want to thank all of you who financially support Casa. The Lord blessed us and we have continued to have support through all the covid years etc. Today the courts called and to send us three sisters ages 3, 5,7 years of age.…