Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog

Making Decisions #7

We received another 10 year old boy making it 70 in Lee & Candy's dorm. I received the plans on the Casa Critical Care Clinic and they are beautiful . We will see what God does. Now we have seen that God calls imperfect people. The devil…

Making Decisions #6

Well, it is getting close to our trip home as Larry and Sue arrived and will stay in our home with the 9 who live in our house. What a tremendous  answer to prayer. They will stay a year. The Department of Labor came today to look…

Making Decisions #5

The Guatemala government declared a state of emergency for 16 states due to a drought & the report stated 500,000 children UNDER age 5 are in danger of malnutrition or starvation. Add to that the total family members & we are speaking of 2,000,000 minimum. Jose’ & Estella…

Making Decisions #4

Sarah had her surgery & was able to return home this afternoon. She is doing so well. Lilian will make the wedding dress for Estella. We took them to buy all the material and accessories. Since they decided on November 1 as the wedding day it…

Making Decisions #3

Andres came today to formally ask for Estela's hand in marriage. The wedding will be November 1st. Since Estela lives in our house and cares for Michelle, Leslie Tatiana will move in when Estela leaves. Manuel broke his hand & when Alex & Sara took him to…

Making Decisions #2

Anthony is being tested & will enter the hospital on Monday. Has not vomited blood since last week. All of the dialysis children except Keiser have returned back to Casa. With the passing of his oral exam Oscar was one of three great things to happen. Tim…

Making Decisions #1

Dottie and I spent some time today packing what we can and preparing for what we need to show Larry and sue when they arrive this week. The seniors had a state test today in Antigua and since teachers had to accompany them we canceled the meeting…

Negativity #3

Well, I am so proud to tell you that Oscar has passed his orals for his degree in architecture and will receive his diploma in September. I am just bursting because he has been such a faithful son all of these years. I am still trying to get…

Negativity #2

Walter, the psychologists & I will meet with all of the teachers this Friday to share what our plans are for next year. Included in the educational program I am going to send all high school graduates starting this year to the universities in Chimaltenango & if…

The good I want to do—I don’t. #3

Anthony is again very ill. He needs 24 hour surveillance so Sandra, his mother, will have to stay off of work for 30 days. Dr. Lou is helping me locate a specialist since there is no explanation apart from anemia for his passing blood in such large quantities.…

The good I want to do…I don’t! #2

We did receive a new 13 year old girl today. Oscar came and showed me his presentation for his architect degree and the finished plans for the addition to the visitor's dorm. The attempt to hide our sins from others is really futile. King David committed adultery;…

The Good I want to do–I don’t #1

The rules of the hospital state that a girl over18 must stay with the patient. So Katherine & Erica volunteered to watch Marjorie, Sindy & Keiser. The little girls love the puppies so Sunday afternoon I brought them upstairs to hold them. All of the kids love to…

Depression #5

ter Depression often is a result of a person having a victim mind-set. It is when we feel that we do not have the power to determine our own choices or decisions. Anyone who is in a dictatorial situation such as living with a domineering woman or…

Miracle land—need your prayers

The dialysis children are not well. Marjorie is in the hospital with lung problems & is very ill. Sindy 1 is still there to have her catheter changed as is Keiser but Sindy 2 came home. They just need so much prayer. I worked a little while in the…

Depression #4

Tim is planning on starting the renovation of the Career girl’s dorm into a new visitor’ dorm. Oscar is doing the plans. Carla Tot was burned when a stove shot flames onto her arm & face. She is better today. Victor Hugo came in last night absolutely happy…

Depression #3

Josue' & I met his father in Chimaltenango to change a truck title from Casa to his father, Jose'. Hoever after standing in line 3 hours we were unable to get it done. Then I had my monthly check-up with my surgeon and he also looked at Sandra…

Depression #2

Tony came home so Dottie and I are happy to have him back. The results of my tests were very good for the blood tests and the urine tests as well as the sugar and prostrate. But the cholesterol was not good at all. But all-in-all I…

Depression #1

We had the inspection by the Department of Education. The elementary school was graded at 100% and the Jr High & High School received a grade of 80% which is better than I anticipated. Today I had medical tests and x-rays to see the rate of recovery.…

We all mess up

The new dental x-ray machine was installed Sunday and our old dentist will come teach the new dentist today how to use it. What a blessing!! I am having to pay two months, September and October, tuitions for all of the children in university, special classes,…

Mercy 13

Cristy died yesterday morning in Chimaltenango. She and her husband, Paul, were such dear friends to Casa and two of the strongest Christians I have met in Guatemala. They worked with Pastor Teddy from Alabama for years. Pastor Teddie gave a marvelous sermon. Dottie & I attended…