Casa Aleluya Blog

Mike Clark's Daily Blog


I have not felt like doing anything physical because of back pain so I sat down last Friday night & most of Saturday & made radio shows for KAJN. Would you believe that I finally quit after making tapes through April10, 2015? Tim received the results of his…

Mercy #12

One of the girls who left here years ago is Zoila. She got married and has 4 children with two of them studying in our school because Zoila lives near here. Her husband passed away and this morning she was devastated. Only God can bring peace in the…

Mercy 11

Our past dentist came to demonstrate how to install the dental x-ray equipment & he will instruct our current dentist how to use it. We learned today the judges will be inspecting us on Friday. This will include every dorm as well as every other building.  Everyone is…

Mercy 10

Mercy cannot be isolated from RECONCILIATION and RESTORATION. Yesterday we saw that the man who refused to forgive mother individual when he had been forgiven of so much. Of course, he was thrown into jail with no hope of release. This says to me that the…

Mercy #9

Remember our Doberman had 12 puppies a few months ago. Well, she had 7 more today. Alejandro, a teen, preached his first sermon last Sunday in a church in San Bartolome’ & they would like him to preach each week to the teens there. I had a…

Mercy #8

Dottie and I spoke with Pastor Teddies groups from Michigan and Alabama at his mission house in Chimaltendngo. We stopped by and visited with Paul and Crissy as she is suffering from cancer and is near the end so we said our goodbyes until we meet again…

Mercy 7

I would like to invite you to consider helping a dorm with simple snacks, etc. With 3 of our Guatemalan couples now dorm parents of Buen Pator,(teen boys) Estrellitas and Doncellias (teen girls) they have no support for their children. Tim has been having a series…

Mercy 6

The moves were completed today so we will see if I made the correct decision in swapping house parents. Many kids are not happy! Dr. Lou & the architect, David, came and it was really a prosperous meeting. I will have all the details as to where…

Mercy 5

We received another 13 year old girl on July 31st meaning we received an average of nearly a child per day throughout the month. We finished the "goodie" bags for the teenage girls for Christmas although we will add jewelry, hair accessories & the like as we near…

Mercy 5

I have been feeling much better as we end the month. So with 5 weeks before leaving for the states I trust I will continue to improve. We still have Sunday evening on September 7th open; Wednesday evening Sept 9th; Sunday evening Sept 21st and Wednesday September…

Mercy 4

There was a huge police presence this morning as Dottie and I were making our way into downtown Guatemala City. Squatters had taken over a huge section of land and the police were removing them. Sindy 2 still is hospitalized. Based on what we shared yesterday we…

Mercy 3

One of our boys who left a couple of years ago is doing well and visited me today. Abel was always one of the best and most dependable teenagers we raised. Lee & Candy received still another child today. He is 11 year old Stephen. I believe they…

Mercy 2

Mercy appears 276 times in the Bible. Jesus says in Matthew 23:23 that hypocrites do many activities but they ignore the important things of Justice, Mercy and Faith. In Luke we are told in 6:36-37 that we are to be Merciful, jut as your Father is merciful.…

Mercy 1

Sindy 1 went to the hospital to change her catheter but due to the lack of medicine and supplies the surgery was not performed. She returned home. Sindy 2 is with Dr Lou and hopefully will return soon. This morning we laid hands and prayed over the 4…


A group of boys helped me begin putting “goodie” bags together for the teenage girls for Christmas. The seniors dressed like clowns and entertained the children in the baby dorm. Adam took his outreach team to San Jose’ to minister. The public hospitals are not taking patients because…


We have a new staff member for a few months. Ana Beth is a nurse and will be helping in dialysis as well as the clinic. A large group of folks from 5 different states dropped by and stayed 2 hours. The Cherry Glade team is here…

Getting saved

Paco who is a university student who live in our house has a growth on his thyroid. Will be ultra sounded this mooring. I am not feeling any better. The flu is kicking me. What causes folks to look for Jesus? How do they answer? I had a…

Phase 2 begins

Is not our Heavenly Father awesome? His blessings abound. We will begin drawing plans for the expansion this week. It will take months to enclose the property with a high & safe wall to enclose the 1.5 acres of new property. August 2 the hospital architect will…

Phase 1: the land

Phase one of the medical expansion is completed. Although I have the flu I got out of bed & Tim took me to the lawyer where we paid for the land & signed all of the papers. Right before I left Dr Lou asked if we would take…